Part Five (Edited)

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Easy company was now in Camp Mackall for extensive training, they were crouched in a forest waiting for orders, Rose sat with Roe, another combat medic, "my god" she whispered when she saw Sobel began to get jumpy, "this should be fun," The other medic sarcastically joked which caused Rose to giggle into her hand. The pair were interrupted when they were ordered to move out by Winters. The company were then marching out in the open with no cover when the other company jumped up with their weapons pointed at them. 

Rose rolled her eyes as the instructor began to speak, "Captain you've just been killed along with 95% of your company, your outfit?" Sobel sounded disappointed as he answered, "Easy company, 2nd battalion, 506th." 

Rose looked to her right and saw Toye flaring at the captain, "leave three wounded men on the ground and report back to the assembly area," the instructor ordered and when the three men had been picked the group made their way back all the way complaining about Sobel's bad judgement. 

The next thing Rose knew was that they were moving out, they were told to wear their dress uniform so Rose was in her skirt which made many members of other companies stop and stare. The woman made her way to a small group that sat on the ground, the group consisted of Cobb, Toye, Popeye and Shifty. She dragged her bag along as it was too heavy for her to lift fully, then threw the bag down and sat down on it next to Shifty, "I hate this stupid skirt," she moaned and she flattened it over her legs so it didn't rise. 

The men carried on with their conversation and Rose quickly figured out that it was about Sobel, "you gotta admit he's got no chance, either one of the krauts will get him or one of us will," Cobb said as Joe Liebgott leant down next to him, "who? Sobel?" Rose's head turned shifty as he defended Sobel, "he screwed up one monover." 

Rose rolled her eyes and giggled at Joe's reply, "Yeah well I'm always fumbling with grenades, it'd be easy if one went off by accident." 

Rose shook her head, "he's in charge for a reason" she stated as she stood, ungracefully, and looked around, she needed to ask someone to help with her bag but she didn't want to get teased for not being able to carry it. Rose saw Carwood Lipton walk past the group and she quickly and quietly got his attention, "Lip" he turned towards the girl as she continued to speak, "Would you mind helping me with my bag?" she quietly asked fiddling with her fingers, Rose hated asking for help, she wanted to be able to do it on her own but she also had common sense and knew she would most likely hurt herself if she tried to carry the heavy bag. Lipton smiled, lifted the bag and began to walk towards the truck with her, "Of course, Tiny." Rose's shoulders tensed in fake annoyance "Not you too" she joked and they fell into step together chatting carelessly.

Easy company was finally on the train heading to who knows where, many of the men were chatting or sleeping, Rose was walking in the aisle trying to find an empty seat as she had gotten annoyed at George because he was teasing her. The young woman walked past Lewis Nixon, Winters and a man she had yet to meet chatting together but she stopped, "Rosaline," she turned towards the 1st lieutenant, "This is Lieutenant Harry Welsh, Harry this is one of our combat medics Rosaline Johnson but I do believe everyone now calls her Tiny." 

Rose jokingly glared at Winters, "Please call me Rose," she jokingly begged, "It's nice to meet you, sir." 

They shook hands, "I've heard a lot of things about you," Harry stated as Nixon moved up so Rose could sit down, "all good things I hope" She smiled looking between all the commissioned officers, Nixon took a swig of his drink before stating, "I think there are only good things to tell."

After a long ride, Easy Company was finally getting aboard a ship with the destination unknown to most on board, it was packed to the brim with soldiers and the Company had found the perfect spot to watch Lady Liberty fade away, Rose in front of Bull who was holding her waist as she stood on the railing to get a better look at the view. And when they were on their way the group made their way down under to their sleeping arrangements. 

Smoke filled the air as men smoked in the heat that was their sleeping arrangements until they were able to leave the ship. Rose sat on her bed with her legs hanging off the side listening to the conversations around her, she quietly pulled out a packet of Lucky Strike cigarettes and placed one in her mouth, she placed her hand in her pocket and felt her lighter and she quickly lit the smoke and breathed. "I'm glad we're going to Europe," Toye said "Hitler gets one of these across the windpipe, Roosevelt changes Thanksgiving to Joe Toye day and I get paid 10 grand a year for the rest of my fucking life." 

Rose rolled her eyes as she took a drag of her cigarette, "What if we don't get to Europe?" Smoaky asked, "What if they send us to North Africa?" 

Guarnere laid down on his bed as he added, "My brothers in North Africa, he says it's hot." 

Rose gave Malarky a look as they both replied, "Really, it's hot in Africa." 

"Shut up! The point is it doesn't matter where we go when we get into combat the only person you can trust is yourself and the fella next to you," Rose coughed loudly in order to get his attention, "Or woman," he added which got an approving nod from the medic. 

Toye rolled to look at Bill, "As long as he's a paratrooper," Rose let out another loud cough which caused Toye to add "Or she."

Luz was climbing up the bed to find his when he spoke, "What if that paratrooper's Sobel?"

Christensen grunted, "If I'm next to Sobel in combat I'm moving on down the line, hook up with another officer like Winters or Heyliger." 

Rose's head turned back to Bill as he spoke, "I like winters, he's a good man but when the bullets start flying I don't know if I want a Quaker doing my fighting for me." 

Rose looked at Bill and asked, "How do you know he's a Quaker?" but she knew he wasn't, "he ain't catholic." 

Rose looked down but then back and whispered, "I'm not Catholic" and then she began to think, what did they think she believed? 

"That pricks a son of Abraham," Bill stated talking about Sobel, Rose looked towards Liebgott whom she knew to be a Jew and watched as he jumped down and walked towards Bill, "he's a Jew," Bill elaborated.

"I'm a jew," Joe stated as he moved closer. Bill threw down his cigarette and pushed him back, "Good for you, now get your nose out of my face." Soon they were fighting. 

Rose jumped down and reached into the crowd of men who were trying to split the fight apart, soon the crowd stepped back as they realized Rose had grabbed Bill and Joe's ears and had them on their knees in front of her. Both men were cringing at the pain of their ears being held in a tight grip, memories of being scolded by their mothers ran through their heads, "apologise" she commanded and when neither of them spoke she tightened her grip, "William Guarnere!" she shouted, the man in question finally gave in and apologised, Rose's attention then turned to the other man she held in her grip, "Joseph" she growled, and once the man had apologised Rose let go of the pair and turned around to head back to her bed but stopped when she realized all eyes were on her, "what?" she asked as the men behind her, who both stood taller than her, rubbed their ears and resembled little boys who had just been told off by their mother.

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