Part Three

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Rose was sat going through her bag in a foxhole with Malarkey, Penkala and Skip while Bill lend down next to the hole. "i'm telling you we're screwed" Bill said while he shivered Penkala pulled his coat closer to his body before saying "if you ask me i'm glad Dike's never around" Rose looked up from her counting as Malarkey said "hey you know what we're doing alright even with foxhole norman"Rose sighed as she watched Bill tense up "yeah Don we're doing alright, we're doing alright now. In case you ain't noticed there's a little town down the hill over there right, and in that town there's these guys and these guys are called Germans and these Germans have got tanks" "i know" "and our side gonna want to go into that town, take one guess to who they would want to go knocking on the goddamn door" "i know" Malarkey stressed "Bill it's me you talking to here" Rose placed her things back into her bag "they always send easy company" she stated as the boys looked towards her Bill rolled his eyes at the girl before goaning "we've gotta do all this with a CO who's got his head so far up his fucking arse that lump in his throat is his nose" Penkala let out a little laugh while smiling and Rose hid her mouth behind her hand to quiet her laughter. Skip looked towards the sound of feet and greeted "hey first sergeant" Lip walked up to the group "hey Muck what's the word?" Skip tightened his grip on himself and answered "oh you know, sitting around freezing our arses off, singing Dike's praises" Lip sighed before he sat down and began to talk "i wouldn't want to be a replacement officer, getting thrown in with a group who had known each other for what? two years, been in combat together since Normandy, he's supposed to just show up and lead them? How's a guy do that? How could anyone really hope to gain the respect of the toughest, most profesional, most dedicated sons of bitches in the entire army. You ask me the guy would have to march off to Berlin and come back with Hitler's mustache or something" Bill let out a laugh wich caused everyone else to follow "you guys don't worry about Dike, we all do our jobs everything will be fine" Rose shook her head slightly "i don't like you at the moment Lip" she sighed which caused all of them to look at her "you made me feel sorry for the idiot" Bill let out another loud laugh as he looked towards Rose, Lip smiled and got up and walked away "it won't help that he's so scared of Tiny" Skip said as he patted the woman's arm. "Dike ain't scared of me" Rose dismissed but was soon shut up but Malarkey shouting "he so is!"

The sun had begun to go down and everyone was getting cover for their foxholes and Buck was going around talking to them. Rose was snuggled into Luz's side across from Skip and Penkala as Buck crouched next to the hole "i'm serious" Buck stated looking down at the soldiers, Penkala answered "sure thing Buck, nothing stupid" while nudging Skip who answered as well "we got it" Buck turned his attention to the pair who was cuddling in hope that it would keep them warm "George, Rose?" Buck said asking them to make sure they had heard "nothing stupid Buck" Luz said and Rose just nodded shakily as she felt a shiver run through her spine. Buck walked away and as soon as was out of ear range Penkala said "don't do anything stupid? who the hell is he talking to? A bunch of morons who volunteered to jump out of a perfectly good airplane" Rose kicked Penkala in the leg before joking "you lot might be morons but i ain't" Penkala kicked the girl back before asking "can you get any more stupid than that?" Luz shook his head slightly and answered "probably not" Skip looked at his friends before saying "i swum across the niagara once" Rose opened her mouth to ask but then decided against it as Luz began to laugh "i swear" Skip smirked "on a bet" Luz looked down at Rose before asking "what in a barrel?" Rose burst out laughing as she hid her face in Luz's shoulder "no George, i don't go down the falls, i swam across the river. Ten miles up from the falls, i tell you that current is damn strong it must have carried me at least two miles down stream before i got across but i got across" Rose looked at Skip who looked so proud of himself "now personally i didn't think it was that stupid but my mom and my sister, Ruth, they gave me all kinds of hell" Rose shook her before saying "yeah i bet" Skip looked at the medic and added "so did Faye" Luz nudged the Medics shoulder "arrrr sweat Faye Tana" Skip kicked the man's leg "shut up George" "they had a point" Penkala said while looking at his friend "your an idiot" Rose laughed and Skip looked offended at her "what? its true?"

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