Part Five

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The next day they got letters, Rose opened hers to see the familiar writing of Richard Winters and she smiled but before she could start to read Eugene's voice cut her off "my dog died" Rose looked at him as he looked back at her with sad eyes, Snafu sat next to him and said "i'm sorry" Rose stood up and walked to sit the other side of Eugene as he told Snafu "he was a good dog" Rose sighed slightly before correcting "he was a great dog" Eugene smiled slightly before looking at the letter in Rose's hand "who's that from?" Rose opened the letter once again and answered "my old Major" Eugene nodded his head and looked at her waiting for her to read it, Rose looked around and saw Snafu and Hamm's eyes on her as well and she let out a sigh before she began to read "dear Rose, it's a lot different in Easy without you, it seems to be quieter. I often find myself looking at a corner waiting for you to come around it smiling like you always did but you never do and i find myself wishing that i had tried harder to keep you away from the war in the pacific. I hope you are well and that your years of experience is helping the company you are with and tell them from me that they are lucky to have you. Not much is happening in Austria but i have the sad news that when shifty was on his way out of Austria he was hit by a drunk driver... but do not worry, he is in the excellent care of the hospital but between you and me i think he wishes you were here, so you could take care of him. Every night i walk into the nearby pub to see all of Easy raising a glass to you, to keep you safe and well cared for, i think it's their way of coping with the loss of their favourite medic. If you find the time please write to us, we are all missing you, Malarkey often talks about you 'Tiny this...', 'Tiny that...', he misses you terribly, everyone does and i have realized how big of a part of easy you were. It feels so different without you but i know you are doing what you do best, helping people, i hope to see you after the war. I ran into the Camp Toccoa photographer and I thought I would send you one of the pictures that I thought you would love. Sincerely, Major Richard Winters" Rose looked at the picture to see that is was a picture of all of easy company, they all stood straight in their dress greens it had been taken the day they got their jump wings. Rose folded the letter up and placed it into her pocket before looking at the men, Rose handed the picture to Eugene who looked at it and then back at Rose "it's easy company the day we got our jump wings" The picture was handed around before it was handed back to Rose who looked at it, her fingered tracing the faces of the men who they had lost.

Hamm began to speak telling them about his brother that had died, Snafu's eyes snapped towards the marine as he asked "why?" Hamm snapped back "that ship got hit by two kamikazes, five hundred guys died asshole... how the fuck can they do that? fly themselves into a ship?" Rose rested her head on Eugene's shoulder as Snafu answered "the emperor is god, duty to god" Hamm breathed in slight shock and asked "they can't surrender?" Eugene played with the letter slightly before stating "i hope they don't" Rose lifted her head to look at her friend "i hope we get to kill very last one of them" Rose placed her head back on his shoulder and added "i don't care, i just want it all to be over soon" Eugene wrapped his arm around Rose's waist, but they both turned their heads as Layden and Peck began to fight. Rose jumped up and shouted "hey!" she moved forward and stood closer as Burgin split them up "Bill! stop it Bill!" Bugin shouted as he moved to stand in between the two "what's the fuck the matter with you? what, the Japs ain't enough? what's the fuck this about?" Burgin grabbed the picture and through it at Peck "it's just a damn picture Peck, get the fuck out of here" Peck picked up his stuff and stomped off but as he did Layden said "she sent him a letter" Rose walked forward a bit and picked up Layden's helmet as Burgin walked off saying "we don't need this shit" Rose stepped in front of Layden with his helmet in her hands "you alright?" she asked, Layden nodded before he turned and began to walk away but a shell landing in front of him cut off his path. Rose was pushed backwards slightly but soon gained her bearings and then ran to Layden "stretcher!" she shouted as explosions erupted around her "you're gonna be alright" Rose whispered to the marine who was moaning in pain, Rose looked to her left and saw Eugene being held back by Snafu and Hamm, but she quickly looked back to Layden as she wrapped his leg with a bandage and he was quickly carried away on a stretcher.

Night had fallen and Rose was sat next to Eugene smoking, she held out the box of cigarettes towards Hamm who slowly shook his head "i thought it would be different" he said and eugen answered "different from what? the books you read? the movies you saw?" Hamm shrugged and looked to Rose "you came from Europe right? what was it like there?" Rose took a long drag "depends about where in europe you're asking about but it was... it was mostly more of the same" Eugene looked towards Hamm and said "grow up!" Hamm looked back at the older man and snapped "fuck you Sledge!" he then got up and walked away but not before telling snafu "fuck you too" Rose snuggled herself into Eugene's side as he hugged her and her eyes began to flutter closed.

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