Part Three

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Rose looked at what looked to be a prison "let's wait for Winters to come" Pat said as the group minus Frank walked closer, men dressed in what looked to be striped pajamas leaned up against the gates, Rose hadn't spoken since she had told Frank to go back as she was in a state of shock. What was this place?

In what felt like hours a car and Truck arrived, Winters walked towards Rose who was stood with Pat near the gate. Rose looked silently at the general as he ordered for the gates to be opened, Rose walked in with other members of easy company and looked at the en who stared at her "medics" she said as she was crowded with men "check as many of them as you can" Rose nodded towards Roe "sir, we need to give them some water but not too much food from what i can see they've been starved for a long time" Most of the men she looked at looked tired, ther ribs poking out of their chests, their skin pale and wrinkly, they looked battered and bruised and most were close to death. Rose stood next to Nixon as they got Liebgott to translate for them "he said the guards left this morning, they burned some of the huts with the prisoners still in them, sir, alive" Rose felt her body shiver as she listened "some other prisoners tried to stop them some of them were killed, they didn't have enough ammo for all of the prisoners so they killed as many as they could before they left the camp. They locked the gate behind them and headed south" the man began to cry which caused Rose to gently place her hand on his shoulder, he flinched slightly but when he saw it was Rose, a woman, he calmed down a little bit, when asked why they were in the camp the answer made Rose shiver in disgust "judan" even though Rose didn't speak German she knew that meant Jewish. The man told Liebgott something else while pointing down the road but then burst into tears, Rose gently pulled the man into a hug which he gladly accepted and cried into the girls shoulder, Rose was listening to the sound of the man's sobs but over heard that there was a female camp.

The man let go and walked towards a body near the gate, "sir" Rose said which caused Winters to look towards her "let me go to the women's camp, if it's anything like this one... they could be scared of men it may help them to see a woman's face" Winters nodded slightly "take some... take some men with you"

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