Fell x Sassy!Agressive!Bitty!Reader

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(Requested by: @OceanMurf1183 )

"Wh-who said it would be a good idea to give Fell a tiny human bitty version of himself?!" Flowey whisper yelled at Frisk as they spied on the two bickering

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"Wh-who said it would be a good idea to give Fell a tiny human bitty version of himself?!" Flowey whisper yelled at Frisk as they spied on the two bickering. Though their yelling was worrying, Frisk found themself giggling silently at the scene. A tiny (s/c) bitty yelling at a skeleton ten times her size. To say it wasn't amusing would be an honest lie. "Sh-shouldn't we, y'know, st-stop them?!" Frisk shook their head and held a finger up to Flowey's mouth. "Frisk, now is not the time to silence me! That poor bitty could get killed if we don't get her away from him!"

While those two are spying on the two of you, Fell is still arguing with you on which is better My Chemical Romance or Linkin Park. Honestly, you didn't even want to compare the two groups, but Red had to open his big mouth and pit them against each other. "LINKIN PARK AND MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE ARE BOTH AMAZING GROUPS AND HAVE GREAT MUSIC! I DON'T KNOW WHY YOU KEEP COMPARING THE TWO!" You shout, pointing your tiny finger at the red eyed skeleton. "I NEVER ASKED FOR YOUR OPINION ON THIS!" "WELL THEN WHY DID YOU ASK THE QUESTION ALOUD IN THE FIRST PLACE?!"

"I DON'T KNOW?! I JUST TALK ALOUD BECAUSE I FEEL LIKE IT!" Fell yells, tossing you at his bed with an angry huff. He snaps out of his anger when he hears your screams of terror as you fly towards the pillow. "Oh sh-" (don't worry, he said ocean.) "Ow ow ow." You say as you try and get up, only to notice your back is hurting from the impact. "I know you hate my guts and all, but did ya really have to throw me because of a disagreement over two bands? Really? And I thought Papyrus was petty."

As everything plays out, Flowey and Frisk are stunned by the events. Not only did Sans just toss you on the bed without a care, but you look like you actually got hurt. Frisk and Flowey knew they had to do something, but before they ran in, the heard Red start talking again.

"I didn't mean to throw you. I think I just... forgot how small you were for a second." Fell explains, rubbing the back of his neck. "I don't say this often, so don't expect to much out of it or for me to repeat it, but... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get ya hurt, kiddo." You chuckle to yourself, slightly infuriating Red in the process. "Did I just get an apology from the big bad Fell himself? Man, I should try for the lottery today!" "Shut up, or you'll never hear it, or anything else, again." His threat only makes you laugh more. "I don't think I will, but thanks for the offer."

With a sigh of relief, Frisk sits back down by their hiding spot, only for two pairs of eyes to spot them. "Hey brat, what're you doin' up here listenin' in on our conversations?! Get lost before Boss gets back and has both our hides for not gettin' everythin' done!" Frisk then sprints off, quickly taking Flowey with them.

"Kid needs to learn some manners." "Well so do you, but you don't see me complaining about it, now do you?" "Do you wanna find yourself lost between the bed and the wall or would you like to go back to your cage?" "I'll take the or." "Kid, I swear to Asgore-" "You swear a lot. Don't you think you should keep your mouth clean so you don't spread your filthy personality?" "Excuse me, who's the one holding you right now?" "An idiot, that's who." "Ha ha, so original." "Well at least I'm having fun."

As the two of you continue to mess around, the door to the house begins to unlock as the heels to a certain skeleton's boots begin to click on the floor. "SANS, I AM HOME!" Papyrus yells, hanging the keys up on the hook as he makes his way to the kitchen. The both of you grow quiet until he can no longer be heard. "This conversation isn't over." Fell says, pointing a sharp, skeletal finger at you. "Aaaw, but it was funny." You whine, giggling slightly. "Whatever." Fell grumbled, placing you in the fluffiness surrounding his neck.

He then walks down the steps to greet his brother. "Hey, Boss." "Hello, Sans. Did you and the human do what I asked?" Red nodded, sweating slightly out of fear. "Yeah, the kid and I fixed up the laundry and cleaned up the rooms." Papyrus nodded with a grin. "Good, I'll check them once I put the groceries away." Red nodded and teleported off to Frisk.

"Frisk!" Fell whisper-yelled, catching the brunette's attention. "You finished the laundry, right?" They nodded. "And the guest room?" They nodded again. "Good. Thanks, kid." Frisk just smiled and nodded once more, holding a glaring Flowey in their arms. Red grinned dangerously at the flower, causing him to shiver in fear and look away. Red then smiles at the kid and teleports back to his room, which was surprisingly clean for once.

Finally, the bitty begins to reach the surface and takes several deep breaths, startling Fell in the process. "I-I can finally breathe again." (Y/n) said with a huff. "That fluff is comfy but deadly. I nearly suffocated in there." Fell chuckled and plucked them out of his hood. "You ok?" He asked with slight concern. "Yeah, I just," she stops to take another deep breath, "need to catch my breath and rest for a moment. I nearly passed out in there from the heat." Red nodded, feeling bad for doing this to the girl. "Sorry, ya wanna sleep on my pillow while we can both take a nap?" "As long as you don't squish me with your fat skull." (Y/n) says, laughing. "I'm bein' nice here. Don't make me put ya in the cage Pap made for ya." Fell says with a playful glare.

"Fine fine, but seriously, don't crush me." Fell rolls his red eye lights and gently lays her on the pillow as he slowly climbs into the bed. "Night, Fell." "Night, (Y/n)."

As the two of them fell asleep, Frisk and Flowey can be seen peaking into Fell's room. "Maybe you were right, Frisk. He seems to oddly get along with her." Frisk sticks their tongue out at Flowey and silently giggles in an, 'I told you so' manner. Flowey rolls his eyes and shakes his head. "Now, let's let them sleep before he catches us watching."

"Too late..."


(Hiya! I hope you enjoyed! I know this was a little different from my usual style but I have an odd love for how this turned out. Anyways, see you next chapter!)

Giant!AU!Sans x MythicalCreature!Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now