Swap Brothers x DragonShifter!Reader

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(Requested by: @readerforfree482648 )

(Just to clear things up. You can ONLY request a papyrus if you request them with a SANS. I don't do Papyrus x Readers. I may write a book for him later, but not right now. I'll make it more sided to the character you requested, but please, only request Sans. Thank you. I hope you all enjoy!)

Papyrus' P.O.V.

'Where are they? Usually they're here by now.' I thought, waiting for the kid to walk out of the ruin doors per usual. Chara has reset a couple of 'days' ago. Time doesn't really have a meaning once it gets turned back over and over again. I then snapped my attention towards the creaking of the loud, frozen door. 'That's gotta be the kid. Alright, here we go again.' I said, going into the trees to watch the kid, but instead of seeing Chara, I saw a young (H/C) haired human. She was walking through the snowy area with huge signs of being freezing cold. She had a (F/C) hoodie and some (dark/light) colored blue jeans, though they seemed to be slightly worn out. There was also some strange holes I saw in her clothing, but thought of them as only a fashion statement. Humans are weird, so I didn't really care to judge. She also had these black combat boots on, but they had this white, dragon design on the outside of both. It seemed to wrap around the ankle area and the head lay at the back and had its wings spread out.

(He can see this design because he isn't that far away from the path's edge. He's actually quite close to you.)

'Well this is definitely new.' I thought as she got closer to the branch I always break. She then walked right over it, not paying a lick of attention to it. (Am I the only one that says that?) She the gets closer to the bridge and I quickly teleport above the stick and snap it. I then teleport away before she could see me, but surprisingly, she doesn't flinch, or move at all. She just keeps walking towards the bridge, but I teleport behind her and say my normal lines of dialogue.

~One whoopee cushion later~

"The old whoopee cushion in the hand trick; it's always funny. I'm Papyrus, Papyrus the skeleton. Your new around here, aren't ya?" I say, taking a puff of my cigarette, waiting for the kid to give me some sort of response, but she says nothing. She just nods her head and looks at me in a worried fashion. "Kiddo, I ain't gonna hurt ya." She just nods and looks behind herself and towards the area my bro comes from later on. She then points her finger in that direction. "What about over there?" She then starts to run over there and I run after her. "Kiddo, slow down. What are you doing?" The (H/C) haired girl ran towards Snowdin as quick as she could; avoiding any and all monsters possible. I was teleporting and running, trying my best to follow her, but she was to fast for me to keep up with. Whe I last saw her, she was running towards hotland. She didn't seem to want to slow down anytime soon. I wonder why she's so skittish?

Narrator's P.O.V.

The cold. That's all you could feel as your body started to slowly drop in temperature. You, being a dragon shifter, are cold blooded, which means you need to stay in warmer places so you can live. You were freezing, but you trudged on. Taking quick, yet cautious steps around, as to not get snow all over you, you start to head towards a bridge. You could easily tell someone was there, but you paid no mind to it. Then you heard a loud snapping sound and you did nothing about it, knowing that someone was just trying to scare you. You, being the person you are, aren't quite scared of loud noises, nor are you easily frightened by anything. 'Come on out you scaredy-cat. You're not gonna do jack-crap to me.' You said to yourself, already tired of this person's behavior.

~Skipping Papyrus' Intro~

After meeting this Papyrus guy, you run off, feeling yourself become weaker from the frigid temperature. 'Maybe there's a warmer area past this town?' You questioned, running through Snowdin like your life depended on it, which it actually does. You could die from how cold it is here. "Finally. I made it to a warmer area and I escaped Papyrus. He seemed nice, but he also felt fake. There's no way he would just walk up to a 'human' and introduce himself so casually. He also had this aura that just makes me feel uneasy, or like it's all an illusion." You shrugged, shaking your head and forgetting your suspicion. You then continue on your walk towards a warmer place, but only came to a river like area and found a strange person.

"Hello?" "Tra la la. I am the riverman. Or am I the riverwoman...? It doesn't really matter. I love to ride in my boat. Would you care to join me?" You smile. "Sure. Where can you take me exactly?" They 'look' at you and say, "Hotland is where I can take you, but it is quite hot there. There is lava all around you, but it is quite simple to stay away from it." "That's perfect! May I please join you?" They nod and let you on. You sit on the edge of the boat, but make sure to keep your legs and feet out of the water. (Meaning you aren't dangling your legs over the side, but instead you are sitting close to the edge.) "Tra la la. If it's hot or cold, you can count on me." You giggle at their little statement. "I'm glad I can count on someone." You say vaguely. "Tra la la. Here you are at Hotland. See you again." You smile and wave goodbye, thanking them as well.

"This is so much nicer than in that snowy nightmare." "HUMAN!" "Oh crab baskets." You then turn around and see a short, blue skeleton running towards you. He looked adorable, but then you saw Papyrus walking behind him. This causes you to freeze up. 'What is he doing here and how did he get here so fast?' You, not knowing he can teleport, question inwardly. "It's the kiddo I was talkin' about bro." Papyrus says casually towards Blue. "THEY MUST BE STRONG IF THEY CAN RUN AS WELL AS YOU SAID THEY CAN!" Blue said with star eyes. You look at him in awe because of his eyes. 'He's so cute! He's gotta be a cinnamon roll!' You then notice Papyrus strolling causally towards you, but slouching lazily as he does so. "Why'd ya run kid? I wasn't gonna hurt ya, and neither is my bro." Blue nods his head in agreement. "I PROMISE, HUMAN!" You then say something that surprises both the skelebros. "I'm not fully human. I'm actually half dragon, per say. I'm a dragon shifter." Papyrus looks inquisitively at you, waiting for you to explain what it is. Blue just looks shocked and excited. "It means I can turn into a dragon, or half dragon. That's why I have holes in the back of my hoodie and pants." "That makes a lot more sense then some human fashion statement." This causes you to giggle. Blue then shakes his hands in front of himself. "I FORGOT TO INTRODUCE MYSELF! I'M SANS, BUT EVERYONE CALLS ME BLUE, OR BLUEBERRY." 'I was right. He is a cinnamon roll. A loud one at that.'

"Now what's your name, kiddo? Unless you want me to call you kiddo the rest of your life." You had the feeling he'll probably do that anyways, but shrug and tell them. "My name's (Y/N). It's nice to meet the both of you properly." "CAN YOU SHOW US YOUR DRAGON FORM?!" Blue asks, excited to see a dragon for the first time. "Not my full form, but I can show you my hybrid form." They nod, allowing you to do what is most comfortable to you. "Ready?" They nod once more and wait. "Ok." You then close your eyes and raise you arms above you head and a sudden, bright light comes and envelopes your entire body. They then see horns atop of your head that swirled in a ram like manner and giant (F/C) wings. Then the see a long (F/C) tail swish behind you. "Tadaa." You say while doing jazz hands. (You can skip the tadaa if you wouldn't do this. I would, but that's just me and my craziness.) You then spread your wings and show just how large they were compared to yourself. "WOW!" Blue then runs over and starts to play with your tail, finding some kind of childlike curiosity from it. Papyrus has his skull stuck in his hoodie, blushing. To him you looked very attractive in this form, but didn't say anything. "Bl-blue! That t-tickles Hahaha." You say as his phalanges mess with your tail.

~3 year time skip~

"Papy?~ I'm tired." You say, cuddled up in a blanket in his apartment. You and Chara, who you met two years ago, was able to break the barrier and free all the monsters. A month later, Papyrus asked you to be his girlfriend. You obviously said yes, because who wouldn't love this lazy, pun loving, smoker? His scent was what you loved the most about him. Honey and smoke. They were surprisingly a good mix of scents. You figured this out when you wore one of his hoodies around the apartment.

Papyrus looked at you with a knowing smirk. He knew you just wanted to cuddle, and cuddling you both did. Your tail was wrapped around his arm and held it softly, though it was an extremely firm grip you had on it. "I love ya, (Y/N)." "I love you too."

*Snap* "MWEHEHE!"


(Sorry it took a while. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Have lovely days/nights!)

Giant!AU!Sans x MythicalCreature!Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now