Bullying Brats

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Beep, beep, beep, "alright, alright". I muttered as I turned off my alarm clock. It was another day. A school day, blah. I got up and dressed as quickly as I could. I went downstairs and poured myself a bowl of cereal. Aunt Sandy came into the kitchen and started to clear off the counter. Apparently Uncle Abe hadn't cleaned up any. Aunt Sandy turned on the morning news. I could hear it as I finished my cereal. "The search continues for the missing Adam Drucker who went missing three days ago. Although the family is almost certain the boy ran away, the search is still on for the fifteen year old boy. He is described as having a fair face and black hair. He also seemed to suffer a cut as the barbed wire around the property has a fragment of cloth and signs of blood on it. Public concern has been aroused."

 I thought to myself as I put my bowl into the sink. Why would his family be so certain that he ran away? Good grief. If this kid was going to be staying at my hut, he was going to have to do some explaining. "Bye!" I called to Aunt Sandy as I went outside to meet the bus. I got in and sat alone, as usual. When I got to school I went to my class. I was thinking about Adam and imagining what made him want to run away when I felt a touch on my arm. I looked up into the face of Ida. She smiled a fake smile and then glanced at her second-in-command, Miley. "Hey, Kenny, We were thinking. We don't think it's right that you should have the grump-of-the-month award." Ida began. "Sure you don't.” I muttered under my breath. "So instead of bearing that title why don't you explain to the girls why you're such a grump, then maybe we could help you reform." Miley smirked but Ida quickly elbowed her and the grin faded. I smell a rat. "Look Ida, I don't care what you say about me, I don't care what Miley or your click say about me. I could care less about what titles you give me because it's all immature, brat, loser, nonsense stuff. So would you leave me alone? The teachers have a good opinion of me and I don't want to spoil it by being seen with you." Ida seemed taken aback. I guess she wasn't expecting that. To be honest, I don't know if the teachers like me or not. I don't care if they do and I don't care if they don't. I just want Ida out of my hair. Ida seemed at a loss of words for a few seconds. Miley spoke up. "Kenny, how rude of you! Ida is the most popular, nicest, polite girl in school. You're rude to be talking to her like that!" I laughed. "Right you are, Miley. It's certainly kind to go around and give people grump awards. Now if you'll excuse me, class is about to begin." I turned away from them and faced Mrs. Flanders. Ida isn't just a jerk, she's a stupid jerk.

 Ida didn't say anything to me during lunch or after school. Am I ever glad! As soon as I got home I left my backpack in my room and dashed into the woods. Hopefully Adam hadn't burned down my hut or anything. Besides, I needed to talk to him. He was sitting by the creek when I came into the clearing. He jumped when he heard me come up. "Oh, it's you." He said, obviously relieved. "Yeah it's me." I answered. I looked into the hut. Everything was tidy. "You never told me your name.” Adam said as he limped up behind me. "I don't think you gave me yours either." I said to him. He looked shocked. "Ye-ye-yeah I did." He stammered. "Flynn Moore, remember?" "You gave me a name but you didn't give me your name, Adam Drucker." I said, emphasizing my words carefully. He looked up quickly. "You know?" I nodded. "Yup. You made the news big time kiddo." I picked up my fishing pole and headed down to the creek. Adam followed me. "So now you're gonna tell and be a big hero for finding the dangerous, runaway Adam Drucker, is that it?" He asked. I laughed. "Dangerous? Sorry, bud, but right now, you wouldn't be able to squash a fly." He frowned at me. I put a grub on my hook and plopped my line into the water. "That's what my folks would say." Adam said as he sat down next to me. I scooted away and gave him a weird look. "Why? Are you some bully or something?" I asked. "No, it's my dad that's the bully and my mom that's the liar." That got my attention. "My dad is...abusive, especially when he's drunk. He takes out his frustration on me." Adam said slowly. "Why don't you tell someone?" I asked. I jiggled my pole. The fish weren't biting today. "I can't. I have a baby sister and if they took me away from her I don't know what I'd do. She's only four and she's really small and sick a lot. If people found out that I was being abused they'd take us away from my mom and dad and put us in different homes. As much as I hate being knocked around, I would hate being separated from Emily, my sister, even more. So, I ran away." I nodded. Family. Silly stuff. My dad never cared for me and my mom was always too sick to know I existed." I said rather matter-a-factly. "You don't believe in family?" Adam asked. He sounded shocked. I nodded. "Get used to it. I don't believe in a lot of things." Adam didn't say anything more. He was rather quiet for a long time.

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