No, Never Alone

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 The next morning I was woken up by the phone at about seven. I stayed in bed as long as I dared. It was Sunday but I was thinking that Uncle Abe and Aunt Sandy would probably want to have a long talk with me and I wanted to put it off as long as possible. I got up around ten-thirty when the phone rang again. I was making my bed when Aunt Sandy came in. “McKenna, we need to go to the police station now. The police want a full account of what happened.” Aunt Sandy said. I nodded and followed her downstairs. I ate some cereal and got in the car with Aunt Sandy and Uncle Abe. No one said anything the whole ride there. Once in the police station I was led to a room where a bunch of people were seated at a desk. Aunt Sandy was with me as I told the whole story. When I finished I looked at my lap. “Sir, I don’t blame Adam one little bit for what he did and if I was in the same situation I would have probably done the same thing.” I said quickly. “Don’t worry, miss,” said an officer, “If everything you and Adam Drucker said is true then Social Services will do something about it.” “Emily, how is Emily?” I asked. “I’m not sure but I think she’ll be all right.” The man replied. “That will be all Mrs. Anners. We’ll call you if we need anything more.” “Thank you.” Aunt Sandy said. We left the police station. I wondered where Adam was and I wondered if the Druckers would admit to what they did. On the way home I broke the awkward silence. “Are you going to lecture me? Because if you are just do it and get it over with.” I said bluntly. Uncle Abe looked over his shoulder at me. “McKenna, we don’t blame you for what you did and we are only disappointed that you didn’t come to us sooner with the problem.” He said gently. “And what did you say about bullying going on at school?” Aunt Sandy asked. “Um. . .I’ve always been picked on and this group of girls has made me their target for the school year.” I replied slowly. “Who?” Aunt Sandy asked. “Ida Crown and Miley Hillsbrooke.” I said quietly. “That explains the note, then?” Uncle Abe asked. “Yes.” I admitted. “You should have told us.” Aunt Sandy said. I didn’t reply. I didn’t know what to say.

 Once home I ran up to my room without saying another word. I flopped on my bed and let the tears roll down my cheeks. Empty, alone, miserable, confused, distraught, worried, fretful, I was all those things! My mind drifted back to when I talked with Adam and Mrs. Lane last night. The things they said stuck in my mind. I tried to remember everything they said. God had one Son, Jesus, who loved us so much that he came down to earth to die for our sins. He rose from the dead after being in the grave for three days and is now up in heaven. If we admit that we are sinners and ask Him to make us His child He will come and love us and care for us always. Then when we die He will take us to heaven to live with Him forever. It all seemed incredible. I was a sinner; I knew that. Someone who would love me and care for me always; it was just what I needed. Before thinking twice I knelt beside my bed and folded my hands in my lap. I bowed my head as a few more tears slipped down my cheeks.

 “Dear God, I know I’m a sinner, I know I don’t deserve you. I’ve been miserable for so long that I don’t remember what it’s like to be happy. I believe You died for me, I want You to be my heavenly Father. Please come into my heart and save me, please.”

 As soon as I said the words I knew it was all true. God was real and He did forgive me and He was my Father now!

“Lord, Thank you!” I whispered. “Please help this all to work out. Please make it so that Adam can stay with his sister and not have to go back to his parents. It seems impossible now.” Even though I was distraught over Adam’s situation I had a peace in my heart that had never been there before. I wiped the last tear of my cheek and breathed a small smile. Whatever happened now, I wasn’t alone.

 I stayed on my knees for a few more minutes just thinking about everything. I heard Aunt Sandy and Uncle Abe talking downstairs and suddenly it struck me how I had made them feel. I told them they didn’t care about me and that I could care less if they were kind to me or not. Shame flooded my face and I knew what I had to do. I got up and went downstairs. Aunt Sandy and Uncle Abe were in the living room. They stopped talking when I came into the room. I didn’t want to cry again but the tears rushed down again and all the words I wanted to say got stuck in my throat.

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