A Bond Grows

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The moonlight streamed through the trees as I made my way to the creek. I heard the gentle gurgle of the creek as I stepped into the clearing. The moon shone brightly overhead and made a moon path to the door of my hut. I walked over and peaked inside. Adam was asleep on my make-shift bed of pine branches. I felt a rush of relief knowing that he was still here. Relief, why? I never remember wanting to see anyone. I shook the thought out of my head and told myself I didn't really care about Adam. He was snoring very loudly and I half smiled to myself. He wouldn't stay hidden long if he kept up that racket! I put the food bundle on the table and gently shook Adam's shoulder. He woke with a start and sat up. It was very dark and I could barely make out his face. "Relax," I told him. "It's me, McKenna." I heard him sigh in relief. "Phew. You gave me a scare. Wait a minute. What the heck are you doing here now?" He asked as he got off the cot. I didn't answer. In all the time I've come here I never thought about making a candle or moveable light. I never needed one. I went outside to the fire pit I made some time ago and dug around the ashes until I found some glowing coals. Adam had taken a burning piece from the fire I had made for him by the creek and kept his own fire going in the fire pit. How thoughtless he was to let it burn out! I blew the live coals to life and added some small twigs to the flame. It gradually grew larger as I added bigger pieces and before long the fire was burning again.

Adam came out a minute later. I could see him better in the fire light. He had the bundle of food in his hand. "Is this for me?" He asked. I nodded and stared at the fire. "What are you doing here at this hour?" He asked as he sat down next to me. I scooted away. I couldn't tell if his voice sounded mad, upset, or glad. "Take off the bandage." I said as I took the antiseptic out of the bundle. He did as I told him and I applied the antiseptic. "That should help." I said as I wrapped the cut up again. Adam nodded. "What are you doing here at this hour?" He asked again.

"I wasn't allowed to come this afternoon." I explained. "And I read your note. I was..." My voice trailed off and I left the sentence unfinished. Adam's face had just the tiniest hint of a smile. "You were afraid I had left?" He finished for me. "No! Yes, not really...I...ugh! I don't know." I stammered. I put more wood on the fire. Adam ate the food in the bundle but he gave me a piece of chocolate. I'm not a huge fan of chocolate but I ate it anyway. "So why didn't you leave?" I asked Adam. He looked down at his leg and sighed. "I tried but my leg started to hurt real bad. I wanted to see Emily." I just nodded. Family makes you do crazy things. If Adam got caught, who knows what would happen! That reminded me of Miley. "Some girl named Miley got to your note before I did. I made up some story that I had a crush on you in third grade and that I was going to move away and you weren't sure if you'd see me again. I'm not sure if she believed me or not." I told Adam. Adam looked at me with a twinkle in his eye. "You said all that?" he asked. I stared him down. "Don't feel all comfy. I might decide to tell on you after all." But inside, I knew I wouldn't. "Come on." I said as I got up. "You're gonna learn how to build a fire on your own."

I didn't show Adam the dam and pond that night but I did show him quite a few things. Before I left Adam knew how to make a fire with a flint and tinder. Although I don't really like science I'm glad I know what I do. Tomorrow I would teach him about plants. All those plant books I got from the library will pay off. I told him how to make acorn meal pancakes and showed him my supply of nuts that I kept in my hut. Before Adam came I learned the about the woods because I wanted to. Now I did it because I had to. I didn't mind. I was starting to enjoy teaching Adam. I reached home at about six in the morning. Aunt Sandy and Uncle Abe weren't even up yet.

I showered and changed by the time Uncle Abe came downstairs for breakfast. He turned on the morning news but nothing was said about the missing Drucker boy other than he was still missing. "That kid's been missing for five days now." Uncle Abe commented. I merely nodded. "Can I go in the woods?" I asked. Uncle Abe looked at me weird. "Um...sure, why couldn't you?" He asked. I grinned. Apparently Uncle Abe didn't share the same opinion with Aunt Sandy. I sneaked some fruit from the kitchen and some antiseptic from the medicine cabinet. "See ya', Mickey!" Uncle Abe called. I hid the items behind my back and turned around. "McKenna." I said "my name is McKenna."

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