Chapter 1

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POV Corbyn

I wake up and I see on my alarm that it is already 10:38 AM. I immediately walk to my wardrobe to put my outfit on for Why Don't We's concert. I put black ripped jeans on with a white t-shirt and a dean jacket and my white sneakers. I cough a few times and then I walk downstairs to go eat breakfast. I see my parents, Jordan and Ashley already sitting in the kitchen.

"Hey honey," my mom says. "Hey," I say and cough again. "Are you sure it is just a cold? You have been coughing for a long time now," she says. "I'm fine mom. It is just a cold, nothing to worry about," I say and grab my breakfast and start eating. "Are you sure about going to that concert tonight?" Jordan asks. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be? I don't want to miss this concert," I say. "Okay fine, but I will keep an eye on you tonight. If I see you coughing a lot we will go back home immediately," he says. "Sounds good to me," I say and continue to eat my breakfast. After a while, I finally finish my breakfast.

"Is it okay if I go watch Netflix in my room till lunch?" I ask. "Of course son. Go get some rest," my dad says. "Thanks," I say and walk upstairs to my room. I grab the remote and lay down in my bed. I open Netflix and click on the movie 'Space between us' and make myself comfortable.

When the movie is done it is already 12:57 AM. That means I'm already late for lunch. But also a few hours closer to seeing Why Don't We live. I get out of my bed and walk downstairs to see everyone sitting in the living room.

"Did I miss lunch?" I ask. "No, you didn't honey. We wanted to eat lunch at Toast Bakery Cafe," my mom says. "So you guys were waiting for me?" I ask. "Yeah, we didn't want to disturb you son. You look like you needed some rest," my dad says. "I'm sorry," I say. "Don't be sorry. Your health is more important than lunch," Jordan says. "Well let's go before I feel more guilty," I say and laugh. We all stand up and go outside. We walk to the car and ride to the Toast Bakery Cafe.

Then I suddenly have to cough a lot. Jordan immediately rubs my back to help me what he could. After a few seconds, the coughing finally stops.

"Are you sure you're okay? We can turn back home if you want," my mom asks worriedly. "I'm fine. I think I just need some fresh air after this lunch," I say. "We could go to the beach?" Jordan says. "Yeah that's a good idea," I say. After a while, we finally arrive at Toast Bakery Cafe.

We went inside and go sit a table by the window. We all order what we want and talk about some things. But everyone looks at me with worried eyes while they're talking. Scared something might happen to me.

"Can you guys please stop looking at me like that. It makes me feel like I'm dying or something," I say. "I'm sorry but I'm just worried," my mom says. "I know you are worried but believe me it is just a cold," I say. "Are you sure? We can make an appointment with the doctor, just to be sure," my dad suggests. "I'm sure but if you want me to go to the doctor tomorrow then I will," I say. "We will wait how this day goes," my mom says.

Then we finally got our food and started eating. I sometimes cough between eating but not that much. We finish eating and pay the bill. We decided that I and Jordan will go to the beach to get some fresh air and my parents and Ashley will ride back home. So Jordan and I walk to the beach which was pretty close. And after a few minutes, we were at the beach. We walk for a while but then we decide to go sit down.

"You know I care about you right?" Jordan asks. "Of course I do," I say. "Good because no matter what is going on with your health right now, I will always be here to help you through it and get you better," he says. "Thanks, that means a lot," I say.

We talk about a lot of things but mainly about Why Don't We which we are going to see tonight. We are really excited but especially me. Jordan just goes with me because they have nice music but is not a fan like I am. I am currently talking about Daniel when I have to cough really badly.

"Corbyn, calm down," Jordan says and rubs my back. "Try to take a deep breath," he says. And then after a few second it finally stops.
"Please let me go to this concert," I say first. "I will because I don't want to take this opportunity away from you. But if it gets worse than this, then you need to understand why I want us to leave the concert earlier," he says. "Of course I would understand. I just want to see a part of it because this is my first time seeing them live," I say. "I understand you too," he says.

We talk for a little longer until we figure out it is already 4:27 PM. We have to walk back home so we decide to leave right now or we would be late for dinner, which means we would be late at the concert. During the walk, we also talk but I'm more focused on not coughing so I can go to the concert. After 20 minutes we are finally home.

"Mom, we're back," Jordan says. We walk through the door and see my parents sitting on the couch. "Hey, how are doing now Corbs?" my mom says. "I'm okay mom," I say. "I'm glad. Let's eat so you guys are on time at the concert," my dad says. "Yeah let's go," my mom says and goes upstairs to get Ashley. She came downstairs and we ate lasagna.

When we were finished Jordan grabs the car keys and his phone and we walk outside. We step into the car and drive off to the concert. When we arrive we see already a lot of people standing in the queue. We didn't have to be on time because we are standing pretty close at the end of the room. But it is better than not going to this concert. We step out of the car and go stand in the queue. After a while, we're finally allowed to go inside. We go to our places and wait for the concert starts.

Halfway in the concert, I have to cough again but this time it is even worse. Jordan didn't notice at first because of the music but when he looked at me he immediately knew this was not good.

"Corbyn, are you okay?" he asks. "I'm okay. It's nothing," I say between my coughs. "Is this what you call okay? Because it doesn't look like it," he says. And when I have to cough again I see blood on my hand.

"J-Jordan, I'm coughing blood," I say between my coughs and show Jordan my hand. "Fuck! Wait here Corbyn. I will get the security. Luckily we are close to the door," he says and walks to the side to find the security. I'm still coughing and I see more blood getting on my hand. After a while, Jordan finally gets back to me with security. When he looks at my hand he immediately runs to me.

"I'm here Corbyn. Let's get you out of here," he says. I nod because I can't talk anymore because I'm in shock of the blood. Jordan helps me walk because I'm getting dizzy. The security helps to get the people out of the way. Everyone looks concerned at me. We finally get out of the room and now you can see the blood really good.

"This looks not good Corbyn. We should get you to the hospital," Jordan says. "I just wanna go home," I whisper. "No Corbyn we're gonna get you to the hospital because it is not normal to cough up blood," he says and says thanks to the security for their help. He brings me to the car and he drives me to hospital. When we arrive he immediately helps me out of the car and brings me as fast as possible inside.

"My brother is coughing up blood," he says to the doctor assistant. They immediately help me and bring me in a room. They say I need to lay down and try to calm down. They first put me through a Chest X-ray. Then they put me through a CT scan and lastly they put me through PET-CT scan. Then they bring me to a room where I need to stay for the night. I'm so exhausted because of the coughing and the concert that I fall asleep really fast.

POV Jordan

They bring me to the room were Corbyn will be staying the night. When I come into the room I see a fast asleep Corbyn. I go sit next to him and grab his hand and rub his knuckles. A few minutes later Ashley, mom and dad come inside. "My poor boy," my mom says and immediately walks to Corbyn and gives me a hug. "He will be okay, right?" Ashley asks worriedly. "Of course he will Ash," my dad says.

We all sit around him for a while. Then we decide that mom and dad will bring Ashley home because she has school tomorrow and mom and dad have to work. And I'm going to stay here with Corbyn. "Stay strong," my dad says and they walk out of the room. Soon I fall asleep as well.

First chapter! Hope you all liked it!

I don't know how fast I will update this book so you will see!

Let me know what you think!

-xxx- Bella

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