Chapter 13

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Last day before their tour

POV Daniel

I've been visiting Corbyn on the days we agreed since then and today is the last day before we leave for our tour. I've been on edge since I woke up. I just don't want to leave him while he is fighting for his life. Scared that something bad is going to happen while I'm gone. It just doesn't feel right. I just have to urge to cuddle him the whole day and never let go. That's also the reason why I'm at the hospital right now. I walk through the hallway to Corbyn's room. When I arrive, I see Jordan on his phone.

"Hey Daniel," he says without looking up. "How did you know it was me?" I ask while I go sit next to him on the couch. "I know you, Daniel. I know you want to be with him today and hug him until you can't anymore. And I know you will worry about him on your tour. Like I said I know you Daniel and I know you care a lot about Corbyn," Jordan says and I get tears in my eyes. "Hey, it is going to be okay," Jordan says when he sees the tears. He brings me in a hug and rubs my back. "I just don't want to leave him. I'm scared," I mumble while crying into his shoulder. Jordan tightens his grip and whispers conforming words. Eventually, I calmed down a little.

"I know you're scared but you don't have to. You guys will call everyday and text. He will inform you about his health and you also have me. I will keep you updated as I did before and you can always text me if you need to let something out. I know you don't want to leave him and I understand but Corbyn wants you to live your dream and so do I. You need to think about it like this, after this tour, you don't have to go leave him again for a tour. Which results in that you can be with him whenever you want. You just have to stay strong for 1 more month," Jordan says and pulls back from the hug. "Thank you, I needed this," I whisper. "I will get some coffee. Go lay with him, I know you want to," Jordan says and leaves the room.

I stand up and quietly walk to Corbyn. He is laying there, sleeping so peacefully. He is looking like an actual angel sleeping there. How am I supposed to leave him when I'm attached to that angel? I need him around me, he makes me happy. He is the reason I smile. I start to get teary eyes but try to keep them in. I go lay down behind Corbyn and wrap my arms around him. I put my face into his neck and sniff his familiar scent. That was when Corbyn started to stir.

"Daniel?" he asks slowly and turns around. "Hey," I whisper and pull him into me. "Are you okay?" he asks when I tighten my grip. "No, I'm not. But hopefully, I will be," I say and kiss his hair. Corbyn looks up and sees my teary eyes. "Please don't cry," he whispers and sits up. "It's just, today is the last day with you and I don't want to leave you," I whisper and look down. "I will keep you updated about my health and we will call every day. We will make it work, okay? I know it's hard but we will be fine," Corbyn says while grabbing my hands. "Let's make the best out of this day, okay?" he adds. "Okay," I whisper and I put Corbyn into me again. Then Jordan walks back inside with my coffee.

"Hey," Jordan says and gives me my coffee. "Thanks," I say and sip my coffee. "How are you doing?" Jordan asks Corbyn. "I'm okay," he says while looking up. "When will the others be here?" Jordan then asks. "Eben and Jonah will be here around 1 PM and Zach and Jack will be here around 3 PM," I answer. "Also Eben said he would get McDonald's for us around 5 PM," I add. "Sounds like a great plan," Corbyn says when I mention McDonald's. "I will be leaving around 3 because I promised to hang out with my friends," Jordan informs us. "That's fine. We will entertain Corbyn," I say and laugh. "As you should," Corbyn says and lays down on me again. Corbyn and I continue cuddling while talking to Jordan. Then after around three hours later, Eben and Jonah arrive.

"Hey guys," Corbyn says and sits up to hug them. "Excited about the tour?" he adds. "Yeah, but we also want to stay here, with you," Eben answers while pulling out of the hug. "Yeah, you won our hearts so well, that we don't even want to leave for the tour," Jonah says and laughs. "Well, that wasn't my plan. I really want you guys to get out of here and make the limelights happy," Corbyn says. "We know it wasn't your plan," Jonah says. "I promise you, we are going to make them happy," Eben says. "Good," Corbyn says and laughs.

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