Two Days Before the Exam Part 2

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Author here!!! Now you're probably wondering why I created part two for the first chapter. Well, it's because I have a feeling that some of you may not understand what went down in the chat between Greg, Trucy Wright, Sam, Dani, and Athena. So here it is!!! However, this chapter will be a bit shorter. This takes place at the same time as the previous chapter. Anyways onto the story. 

Author out!!!!

Trucy's POV

Athena invited me to go with her to see Simon Blackquill. So here I am at the Detention Center with her. She was talking to Detective Gumshoe when a guard came over and got on my level and asks me for my name. I responded with, "I'm Trucy Wright." I noticed that he seemed to get a glint in his eye and told me to follow him. I followed him for quite a while until we stopped outside a cell. I took notice of a man in a purplish-blue suit, he turned to me and sent the guard off. We talked for a bit and exchanged numbers. He seemed nice, while we talked I brought up that there was a new member of the family and that his name was Klavier Gavin. Upon mention of the name his demeanor seemed to change 180°. It didn't seem right but I just ignored it. We kept talking for a little bit then I said that I had to go and reunite with Athena. I bid him goodbye and left to go back home with Athena.

~Timeskip brought to you by a possible sequel if you ask nicely~

I'm finally home and I hop on the Instagram chat and start talking about my day when I suddenly received a message from an unknown number. They said that their name started with K, so I immediately assumed it was Mr. Gavin. We talked for a while and I kept switching between the Instagram chat and messaging Mr. K. When suddenly I got an interesting message. It freaked me out so I immediately brought it up with Mama and Grandpa Greg. They asked who I saw and I described him from what I could remember. After finishing up my description of the man I saw I noticed that they had suddenly gone quiet. It scared me so I asked if maybe they knew who I was talking to. It was mama who responded saying that it was Kristoph Gavin. I should have known who it was when I first met him. While talking to them my phone kept dinging the message s would not stop coming from Kristoph. It makes me feel a bit scared. I informed them that Kristoph would not stop messaging me and Mama said that she would keep an eye on him. I said okay and signed off of the Instagram chat and shut off my phone for the night. Little did I know that my day tomorrow would be much worse than today.

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