New fresh start

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Y/M/N:"Do you really have to go?"

Y/N:"I want to go."

Y/F/N:"You worry too much honey,she will be fine,she is all grown up."

-My dad said as he was packing my suitcase it the back of the car.I smiled knowing that he trusts me and wants me to be happy.

Y/M/N:"Yeah but she is maybe too young,can't you wait like a year or two?"

Y/F/N:"She is 17 years old,she can take care of herself,and she has my mother in Seoul if anything happens."

Y/N:"And nothing will,you know me mom,I don't have friends."


-I turned around and saw a sad looking Hobi.I ran to him and hugged him as thight as I could.

Y/N:"Sorry Hobi."

Hoseok:"It's okay Peaches,are you sure you want to go?I mean you have me here."

Y/N:"I want to Hobi.I know I have you here but I want to go back to Seoul."

Hoseok:"Then I will visit you as much as I can, okay?"

Y/N:"Of course."

-We all got in the car and my dad started driving to the airport.I was nervous I can't lie,being alone in Seoul,I mean I have my grandma but still,and new school,with dorms to live in,it's quite a scary thought.Hoseok noticed that I was nervous and he took my hand.

Hoseok:"I'll be here for you don't worry.You have my number so just call me when you feel alone ok?"

Y/N:"Thanks Hobi."

-The rest of the ride was quiet.I didn't want to make myself more nervous so I played some music and gave one earphone to Hobi so he could listen with me.I wanted to leave this place so bad.I had a reason and neither of them knew what it was.I don't want anyone to pitty me for being bullied,so I kept quiet,until now.I was born in Seoul but I moved to America because of my dad's job.And now it's time for me to go back.


Y/M/N:"Be safe honey okay?Call me every day."

Y/F/N:"Don't listen to your mother,go there and have fun,not too much fun of course.You have your grandma if anything goes wrong.Call us when you have time,okay?"

Y/N:"Okay,I will miss you guys."

-I said as I gave them a hug.I will miss them so much and I wish they can come with me.I looked over at Hobi who was just standing there and waiting for his turn.I slowly pulled away from my parents,so I could go to Hobi.

Y/F/N:"Go say goodbye and let's go."

Y/N:"Are you gonna miss me?"

Hoseok:"I might even die without you."

Y/N:"Stop it you crazy ass."

-I hugged him tight.Ugh the only friend I ever had was staying behind and not coming with me.How will I do this by myself?

Hoseok:"Text me every day,about your day,how you are feeling,everything.I will always be there for you."

Y/N:"Thank you Hobi."

-I gave him one last hug and turned to my dad.He walked me to the gate and said his last farewell.I got in the plane still thinking if I made the right decision.But if I stayed I know nothing would have changed.I would have been bullied and I know not even Hoseok could help me be happier.This is my chance at my new beginning,new life new people.

Roommate | Jimin FFWhere stories live. Discover now