Problems along the way

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Jungkook:"Come on Shorty,one more lap."

-I couldn't anymore.I never told him I have trouble breathing when I run too much.If I tell him,he will tell the coach and then he will make Jimin run.I can't let that happen.So I stopped running.

Jungkook:"Why did you stop?"

Y/N:"I can't anymore."

-I fell on the ground.Damn in two days I have to run a 42 kilometers marathon,and I can't even run ten five laps around the field.What have I gotten myself into?I couldn't breathe,it was horrible,but when I saw Jungkook running towards me I had to pull myself together.

Jungkook:"Hey are you ok?"

Y/N:"Oh yeah,I'm fine,just my ankle hurts a little bit,I will go to the infirmary."

Jungkook:"I'm coming with you."

-I slowly got up and he held my hand the whole time.It was hard for me to stand so it was a good thing he was here to help me.

Y/N:"No need I wi..."

Jungkook:"Don't be a baby and let's go."

-He picked me up bridal style and carried me the whole way to the infirmary room.It was quite early,because I didn't want people watching me at all.We knocked at the door and Seokjin opened the door being surprised that Jungkook was carrying me here.

Seokjin:"Jungkook,Y/N,what are you doing here?"

Jungkook:"She was running and she hurt her ankle."

-I gave Jin a look,and I shook my head to let him know that that didn't happen at all.Jungkook put me down on a bed and Jin came to 'examine' me.

Seokjin:"Jungkook can you wait outside please."

Jungkook:"Sure,Shorty I will wait for you outside."

-As he got outside,Jin gave me a questioning look.I knew he wanted an explanation,but I didn't know what to do.

Seokjin:"Y/N explain,now."

Y/N:"Please don't tell anyone."

Seokjin:"What did you do?"

Y/N:"Well I ran about five laps around the field and I fell down,because I have a problem."

Seokjin:"Y/N spill it out already!"

Y/N:"I have a breathing problem,and no one knows,and I believe that you already know that I'm running the marathon in two days an..."

Seokjin:"You are not running the marathon."

-He stood up and went to the phone to call the coach probably.

Y/N:"Seokjin please don't do this!"

-He didn't listen.He dialed the number and put the phone to his ear.

Y/N:"I did it because of Jimin."

Mr. Kim:"Hello?Seokjin?"

Y/N:"The coach was gonna force him to run,please Jin,I can't let this happen.I don't want him to run if he doesn't want to.He is not ready yet.Please."

-I begged.I didn't know what else to do.I can't let him talk to the coach.

Y/N:"I will be careful,if I feel dizzy I will stop I promise,just let me do this for Jimin."

Mr. Kim:"Seokjin are you there?"

Seokjin:"Sorry wrong number."

-He put his phone down.I was relieved.All I wanted to do is help Jimin.Even if he is like he is,I know that he needs a friend.He needs to feel welcome.I wasn't and it felt horrible.

Roommate | Jimin FFWhere stories live. Discover now