ch.2 curiosity killed the demon.

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A certain demon lurked through the shadows following the scientist.

There was no reason he watched. He never got to study humans close. They would run away in fear that he would hurt them. He never dared ask flug, it would make him seem weak.

The doctor was heading down the hallway, to his room.

He even so much as  watched until he fell a sleep.

He sunk out of the shadows, and down by the bed side.

He looked to his night stand and saw a old photo of gang out side the manor, and another he couldn't quite figure out who was in the photo.

There stood four people, a woman and a husband were hugging two children. They looked like they were in a park of some sort, with snow.

'Flug?' Black hat thought to himself. 'No that can't be, he would've had his bag.'

He looked around the room to find more clues, in the while he found a tape recorder, marked, 'Mom and Dad".

He quietly snuck put of his room with the tape, and made his way to the living room. As soon as he entered, he plopped the tape in and pressed play.

There were the same people at the same park, but it looked sunny there. The trees were a bright green, and the sky was blue.

The mother took the camera and placed it down, and ran back to what looked like a frisbee game. The Man was in front of her with a frisbee in hand. Two of the children were on both of the parents sides.

The man through the frisbee and the child standing beside the mother caught it, he immediately threw it to the other child, and before he could think, it hit him in the chest and landed on the ground. "Hey! No fair!" The kid smiled and picked up the frisbee.

"Sorry bro, gotta keep you head up." He smiled too.

The game continued and black had watched for most of it. He paused the video halfway and just sat there for a minute.

"That can't be" he thought out loud, even if no one was around to hear.

He pulled the tape out and returned it were he had found it.

He looked over at the sleeping flug. 'I need to know.' He didn't plan on asking.

He scooted a chair beside the bed, and placed his hand on his "forehead" and used his magic.

A image flooded his mind, a field with a treehouse in the middle. He looked and saw the scientist climbing a ladder in the tree.

This was flugs dream.

He teleported in the house and saw the two people he saw on the tape sitting at a table. He saw flug on the porch of the tree house. His parents suddenly ran to him and hugged him.

Words were spoken, but not heard by the demon. Only deep disoriented static was heard.

Black hat exited his dream. He sat in the chair and looked at flug for a long time. Trying to imagine which one of the children he was.

Who was the other one? What happened to his parents? What happened to him?

He left to his room, as to clear his mind for a while. He wanted to learn what the human did, not learn about him.

He got more than what he wanted.

But you know what they say.

Curiosity killed the cat


Welp, 578 words. Meh, still trying.
Hope y'all enjoyed.
This doesn't take long, so I decided to do it today.
Bonus: whoever can guess which one of the brothers is flug and who the other one is, I will give you a 🍪 and a 🎂.
🤗 thanks for reading, and stay safe.

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