ch.5 sunny lakeside.

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(This pic above is him but the scars are moved over his cheek and not over his other eye.or that's what I imagine him as. Art it not mine.)

   -3D person POV-

"Flug?", flug turned around, only to be met by the devil himself. "H-hi sir?."
He reached over to grab his bag, but was stopped, "you don't have to put your bag on, I understand it gets hot in there."
"Oh okay?", flug slid o er for black hat to sit with him. Black hat sat down with a heavy sigh, "So this is the place you have been running off to.", Black hat looked at him, but he was looking at the lake, not showing his scars.

"Sorry sir." Flug replied.
"Nothing to apologize for, it's, decent. Not the place I would go to but it's within the possibilitys."
Black hat didn't get out of the house much. Only to go on killing spries or a villain gathering, at which he normally held at his mansion.
The same with Flug, he only went out when he needed something for a invention or to go with Black hat. This was the only time they saw each other at the park.

"So how is your break so far?", Black hat looked at him, but yet again he was looking everywhere but his eyes. He was clearly nervous. "I-it has been going good." Flug looked at the ground.
'Way to make small talk, jeez I'm bad at this' he looked at the sky, 'why is he wandering anyway? He usually talks about himself. Not to be rude.'
"Hey Flug, can I talk to you for a bit?"
"Yeah, o-ofcourse sir.", flug looked at his boss, he looked.. odd? Like he was trying to think. "If you need to take a break or something again, that's fine by me. I read something about human the other day, they need sleep, food and water, r-right?" Black hat looked across the lake. He never knew about how to take care of a human.

"Yes s-sir, but may I question? Why are you doing this?", Black Hat jumped at that, "Well I need my scientist to be up and running! We can't have another deadline pasted! Just for work ofcourse!" He blurted out. He cleared his throat, Flug looked at him, and Black hat looked at him. A bang of guilt set over black hat as he looked over his claw marks.

He was wanting to say sorry.

He hurt him.

But he never built up the courage to.

He looked away.

Knowing full well he'll have to confront him later.

The sun started to set. The sky fading into beautiful colors. They both watched. Not speaking to each other.
"We should head home, it'll get dark in a few." Flug nodded. He needed to go to bed anyways.

Hewo! UwU I hoped you liked it.
Sorry about not posting. I got grounded, I'm 12 ;-;.  Have a good day!✌😎❤

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