ch.4 5.0.5's flug.

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Flug walked down the hallway, with a lot of questions flowing through his head. Mainly questions like, "why?" And, "what to do?"

He eventually decided to spending time with his beloved bear, and possibly the lizard. He rarely had this chance so he decided he would make the best of it while it lasted.

He walked through the kitchen to grab a glass of water, and some pizza rolls. He put the pizza rolls in the microwave and set it for two minutes and a half. He sat there for a few, when demencia walked in.

He sat there for a minute or two, the microwave was close to being done, so he got up and put his hand on the hand, and waited until it was done. He never liked the beeper, it reminded him of his alarm clock.

He grabbed his food and walked off to his lab. The lab door had a sign that said,
"take a break!
-Black hat"

He sighed as he realized he needed other stuff to do. He always over worked but when he had nothing to do. Might as well go do something with my life. 5.0.5. Has been cleaning for awhile, 'I guess I can see if he's on break. And I don't think demencia is at "work".' He thought to himself. He checked in 5.0.5's room and there he was, drawing yet another masterpiece.

"Hey 5's," he pulled up a chair beside him and looked over his drawing. "Daww, that's cute bud" he was draw a picture of flug with 5.0.5. Holding his hand. " aroo?", 5's tilted his head. "I'm on break, for some reason?"
They continued to draw with each other, when flug realized 5.0.5 was a lot better than he remembered, not that he was being mean, but he wasn't able to draw so many details at once.
How long has he been working?

"Hey I'll be out in the park, if black hat asks were I am, tell him I'm at sunny lakeside."

~Time Skip~

"Finally", he arrived at the park. The smell of the autumn air calmly blowing in the breeze. This is were flug went as a child. Although it was quite far away as it isn't 'evil' in hatvill, so it was about a 20 min drive out. But it was worth it with this place.

The colors of green, orange, yellow, red, and brown filled the place. He walked a little until he found a spot with a bench and sat down. He never kept the bag on in public, so he took it off, he never liked people staring at him. The only reason he kept it on is because of black hat.

He had told flug to keep the bag on in the first place.

He thought he looked stupid, scratched his face a little, but only left three or four scars.

He sighed at the memorie. And looked up, 'this isn't the place for that, if we're going to think about that we can go somewhere else.' He looked at a nearby squirrel stuffing a nut in his mouth. He then looked over to the lake, ducks swam, fish ate some of the bread people through for the ducks, just to spit it out again.

It was nice here. He liked it.


He went to that dumb park again. Ugh, demencia is annoying me again, and 5.0.5. Isn't helping. Might as well see what he's up to, he's really the only one who can talk to me without flirting, hugging me, or giving me stupid pictures.

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