𝐈» 𝑻𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝑩𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒊𝒇𝒖𝒍

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Many years ago a burst of light brightened the sky, people far and wide watched as a ball of fire fell from their beloved stars and crashed miles away into the Earth's forest.

As fate would have it a woman with pale white skin, raven hair and icy blue eyes stumbled upon the remnants of the fire ball in a large crater, this woman was a merciless killer and had no family or people to call her own, she was known as Keryon Ripa, Soul Murderer.

To her suprise she found a little girl inside of a small metal ship, the girl was only an infant and still had her umbilical cord attached, she had skin as white as snow, hair as golden as the most finest gold ring and eyes as blue as the sky she once fell from.

Keryon Ripa took the baby and hid her away from the outside world, knowing that if found, the girl would be a target because of where she came from.

Keryon Ripa raised the girl into a warrior, a soldier, an assassin and a leader, she molded, melted and molded again until the girl became the most feared assasin of man kind.

That girl became Wanheda, The Commander Of Death, as soon as she made her first kill when she was 2, a warrior had attacked her mother, Keryon Ripa, and tried to take the girl, so she touched him and he droped dead.

The word spread fast of the child who's touch was toxic and lethal, that her touch brought along death itself, she was named Wanheda by the people and everyone was too scared to touch the child, everyone besides her mother who knew her adopted child would never harm her.

At age 8, she killed a very important person and that person was no ordinary assasin or general or Cheiff, no, he was The Commander.

Back then there were 12 known clans and all were in war with each other, but there was always one person they feared, The Commander, a man or woman who the spirit of the last commander had chosen to lead, they had black blood, a Natblida, and could be from anywhere among the clans.

This Commander that the girl had killed was ruthless and heartless, he was from Azgeda, the Ice Nation. He killed young children and infants, kidnapped woman and raped them and tortured innocent men until their death so the girl finally decided he deserved to die once she was ready and Keryon Ripa let her go on the mission alone.

The next day the conceive began, were the Natblida children would kill one another until one one still stood and they would acend to the thrown of the Commander.

A few years later, once the wars had stoped and things seemed to settle down the clans were united and built into a coalition under the rule of the new commander, it was nice, the wars had grown smaller and smaller and the people began to integrate into the other clans.

On the little girls 13th birthday the sky lit up once again as it had done all those years ago, a ball of fire rocketed down into Earth from the stars she had once come from.

The girl and Keryon Ripa had quickly found the ship, there were around 100 children running about like children, making noise and cheering, not a care in the world.

Over time the little girl from the stars had secretly became friends with a few of (what they called themselves) Delinquents, eventually Wanheda was able to convince them all to come with her and her adoptive mother into the forest and train them into assasins.

The girl trained them into warriors and as she did that she began to find others, assasins from others clans and got them to join her.

By the age of 14 the girl had created an entirely new clan called Wampleikru, Death People, the clan was made up of assasins, mutated men and women who were thrown away, lost children, those who wanted a safe place to live and those who had no one, she was crowned their Queen and the Wampleikru quickly became the most feared clan.

The girl refused to join the coalition, she bowed to no one, she was Wanheda, The Commander Of Death and she would never bow to no man, woman or child.

So things went on, she went to war with Azgeda, The Ice Nation and Skaikru, the Sky people that fell to the ground but they merged with Trikru quickly and became one clan of Trikru, of course her clan won and she continued to send assasins to those who deserved it and spared those who didn't.

You see, this girl held secrets, unimaginable secrets that only very few in her life knew.

The girl, Wanheda, was a Natblida, she had blood darker than the midnight sky just like every other commander who ever lived had. Keryon Ripa had kept the girl hidden from the outside world and had taught her how to fight the second she could stand so the girl would always be safe should a Fleimkeepa, the advisors of the commander and trainer of the Natbloods, find her and take her away.

The girl also had a name, very few knew it and even fewer used it, the clans all knew her as Wanheda but those she absolutely trusted knew her real name.

Her name was Klark kom Wampleikru, The Commander Of Death, the Queen of the dead and the most lethal and feared person alive and today, at 18, the commander is paying her a visit.

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