𝐕𝐈𝐈» 𝑹𝒖𝒏, 𝑷𝒂𝒖𝒏𝒂, 𝑹𝒖𝒏

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"Are you ok?" Raven asked me as she followed after me.

I was storming off to the woods after getting into an argument with Quint because his brother had been killed by Skaikru, who's people were also part of my clan, so I argued back defending the ones who had joined Wanpleikru.

"I'm fine Rave." I grumble, she huffs and grabs my wrist stopping me. If it were anyone else I would have taken their hand from their bodies but it's Raven, my best friend, so I allow it.

"No your not. You've been acting weird ever since the first war meeting. What's wrong?" She asks. The first war meeting was last week....when Lexa and I kissed.

"Nothing Rave. I'm just stressed because of the upcoming war and trial by fire that Charlotte is conducting back home." I half lie, I was stressed because of that but also because of what happened between me and Lexa.

Both of us had been avoiding the issue and each other. Its been akward and we only spoke if we needed too.

I don't know my feelings for her. Since a child, she was my best friend, my mentor and supporter. I knew I felt something more for her than a friend but I always rode it off as the history we had making me more attached to her. Even when she was with Costia it felt weird seeing them together but I was a kid, I didn't understand. I still don't.

"I don't believe you but I'll let it go. For now. We are talking about this later." Raven gives my hand a squeeze with a firm look. I nod before walking off into the woods.

Few people got away with giving me orders, Raven was part of those few. She's been my best friend since I was 14, my support and home. She knows everything about me, from my childhood to being friends with Lexa and Costia and even the spirit of Wanheda.

Raven and I's relationship wasn't hard to understand. We were always there for each other but we weren't sisters, the things we did to help distract one another was far from sisterly.

Each person that I was close to and was under my protection was given a necklace or bracelet with something relating to Wanheda's symbol on it to show their rank in my people, it scares off the enemy, showing that they are close to me and to trifle with them is to trifle with death.

Raven's, Charlotte's and mother's had purple glow stones

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Raven's, Charlotte's and mother's had purple glow stones. Bellamy, Miller and Monty had blue glow stones. Murphy and Jasper had green and Harper and Luna kom Floukru had aqua glow stones.

Luna was a Natblida, she was in the same conclave as Lexa but ran after she was forced to kill her brother. She found sanctuary with me and my people and I helped her create her own clan, Floukru. She was a loyal ally of mine and a good friend.

I felt a burn go through my body for only a moment that snapped me from my thoughts but that moment was enough. I turn at inhumane speed and catch the arrow that was just aimed at me.


He grunted as a different dagger slid into the flesh of his wrist. I recognise the dagger immediately, having been the one to carve it.


Quint falls as he clutches his hand, Lexa strides to him and rips out her dagger carelessly. Glaring at him with hatred.

"Attack her and you attack me." Lexa tells him coldly as her guard points his sword at him, keeping Quint on the ground.

"Where's your guard?" Lexa asks. I realise my personal guard, Anik, wasn't with me.

"I don't know." I reply.

"Did you kill her?" Lexa asks Quint.

"No, my fight is only with her." He growls in Trigedasleng, glaring at me.

Bold move.

"Your fight is over." Lexa replies coldly, causing Quint to look up at her in astonishment.

They stare at each other for a moment before he stands.

"The kill is yours, Wanheda." Lexa says coldly, putting her dagger away.

Quint looks at me expectedly but we're all drawn to the roar of Trikru's largest mutant.

"Pauna." Lexa and I mumble at the same time. Pauna were mutant gorillas as tall as tree tops and fed on any living creature they could get their hands on.

"Run!" I yell, unsheathing my sword off my back and slashing behind Quints knee, making him gasp and fall to the floor as bait as Lexa, her guard and I run, hearing the paunas roars getting closer.

"This way. I've found something." I say as I run over to metal bars, we move it to the side and go in, closing it back up again before running through the passage.

Once we reach the ending of it there's bones.

"What is this place?" I mumble.

"It's her feeding ground." Lexa says ever so calmly as we look around at the dead carcasses.

Lexa and I share a look before we start climbing up these huge steps, being careful of the dear animal bodies before we reach the top. All 3 of us brawl our swords as another roar shakes the trees. A tree suddenly falls and the pauna jumps out into the enclosure we were in with a roar and landing on Lexa's guard who was standing on the rock infront of us.

Lexa and I glance at each other again as it pulls Lexa's guards body apart and throws it at the wall. It suddenly turns to us, roaring and hitting it's chest, I look past Lexa and see a ledge.

"Run!" I pull on Lexa's arm, the pauna gets more aggressive and starts throwing rocks and dead animals at us.

We reach the ledge and without hesitation I resheath my sword and jump down, landing on my feet perfectly.

Lexa resheathes her sword and jumps as another roar shakes the enclosure.

"Ah!" Lexa yells in pain. I quickly turn and see her on her side on the ground.

"Lexa!" I call as I run over to her, helping her up and we make our way to a metal door to the side.

Just as we get there the pauna jumps down and grabs Lexa's leg as she calls out on pain again.

"Leave me!" She yells at me as she holds onto the sides of the door, the pauna pulling at her roughly.

"No way!" I shout back, an electric pulse runs through my body and I hold my hand up to the pauna, eyes turning black and my golden hair floating around me and closing my hand as the pauna roars in pain, his bones breaking.

As soon as it lets go of Lexa I grab her arm and pull her in, kicking the latch closed before helping her to the other door as she limped.

I could feel my energy draining from using my powers so I quickly sit her down against a pole as she clenches her jaw in pain, grabbing her sword off her back and placing it over the door, acting as a lock.

I meet Lexa's eyes when I turn around, she looks at me shocked for a moment before my eyes go from black back to blue and my hair falls back down around my shoulders.

Stumbling over to her I kneel down and silently look at her shoulder. There was no doubt that it was dislocated, I tell her so and she just responds with a nod and I pop it back into place.

It's silent between us, the only sound was our erratic breathing and the faded sound of the Pauna outside of the first door.

I sigh softly, and now I'm alone with the one girl who's been avoiding me all week....

Is it too late to bet on the Pauna?

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