𝐈𝐈» 𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔

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Klark's P.O.V

Today was the day commander Lexa of the 12 clans would come to my palace in Sol, the capital of my lands. She's probably just coming to ask again for me to bow to her and join the coalition just like last year and when I was 15 but I always declined.

I was sitting on my throne made of white wood (Lexa's throne but white) with a black furry seat, the throne room walls were a charcoal grey and the floor a light grey marble, it was a large and spacious room with a deyes that the throne sat on and a dark blue rug from the door to the throne.

My mother, who's name was Khione though everyone called her Keryon Ripa, her title, was beside me to my left with Charlotte, my sekon who was 12, she was originally from the 'delinquents' as they like to call themselves, but like the rest of them she became part of my clan Wampleikru, Death People.

To my right was my trusted advisor, weapons master, general and best friend Raven. She was a mechanic, so she's the one who builds me bombs and makes my weapons better, though we don't use guns Raven just makes our swords better like how she made mine bendable so I could wear it as a belt but when I pull it out all the pieces would seal together into a sword or a wip, the girl certainly knew what she was doing.

Besides Raven was Bellamy, he was my advisor and part of my most skilled assasins but I rarely sent him on assignments as he's not fond of killing so he mainly works at the orphanage, even the children there know the basics of fighting, all of my people do in order to keep them safe.

Bellamy did have a sister, Octavia, they tell me she was an illegal second sibling and that's why she was sent down with them. Octavia though, had never liked my way of living, with all the killing and torture she left and joined Trikru like the rest of the adult sky people when they came down.

Octavia was skilled, I would give her that, but the only reason she never got to see the real me, the one not all about death but the one who plays with children and still likes bedtime stories, is because I  knew she was dating a Trikru boy called Lincoln. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't have stoped her, but I didn't trust her, I could have given her important information and she would have given it to him so I never let her close to me.

"Wanheda" My head snaps away to the thrown room doors, Miller is standing there, he was a good friend of mine, like a brother to me really but, like Bellamy, he preferred peace, as did I really but there was no way to do that without death.

"Em hir" (They're here) he informs me, I nod and motion him to bring them in.

As the years have passed my hair is no longer it's golden hue but a deep red, I had dyed it to help stay hidden on missions, I had on my usual black armour with my golden pardon strapped to my right shoulder, I also had my daggers strapped to me and my sword/whip that Raven made around my waist, the one that can turn into a belt, sword and whip with my hair up in braids, and this was just my casual attire.

The white oak doors of the throne room open to reveal commander Lexa, general Anya, cheif Indra, Lexa's personal guard Gustus, Octavia and another Trikru woman I didn't know.

I had to admit as I look at Lexa, the girl was attractive, she had long brunette hair twisted into her signature braids, her black Warpaint around her eyes rowling down her cheeks like tears and her face set in stone as she wears her armour and red pardon on her left shoulder.

I meet her eyes for the first time in a year, her green forest eyes telling me what her face would not, I see nervousness, hesitance but something else that made me pause.


Now, Lexa and I have an extremely strange past together, we grew up together, she lived in TonDC and me and my mother lived just outside the land and we would always play together, but then she was called to Polis when I was 7, she was 12 and the night I killed the commander before her I went and saw her before I killed him. I also saw her again after the death of her lover, Costia, I was friends with the girl until her death so I stayed with Lexa for a week before she yelled at me and told me she never wanted to see me again and I left, after that we lost contact until she came asking for me to bow.

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