𝐗𝐈𝐕» 𝑨 𝑺𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑴𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝑹𝒐𝒂𝒓

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I don't remember much from the journey, as soon as Raven told me a missile was going for TonDC everything's skipped my mind as I jumped on my horse, not even bothering for the gate to fully open before I slipped through the gap at a head on gallop, my personal guards chasing to catch up on their own horses.

Once I reach the point were I could see the gates of TonDC I notice the Azgeda general had just arrived, I slowed my pace to a canter in hopes of not bringing more attention for looking worried than being Wanheda.

I see Lexa standing outside of the door to the underground meeting room, we meet eyes as I slip off of my horse, making my way to her calmly.

"Wanheda, has there been word from my brother?" Octavia came up beside me, I nodded

"He is safe and is working on the acid fog as we speak," I informed her, "He requested I pass on a message to you, he said 'stay sting, be the girl I know you are and fight'." Octavia nods greatfuly.

"Wanheda." Abigail nodded to me from where she and Marcus stood beside Lexa.

"Abigail, I didn't expect you to be here, I only just left after our..... discussion." I noted wearily, she nodded.

"Yes well, Marcus needed me here." She looked to said man, there was a glint in her eye that seemed to only spark when he was around.

I nodded mutely again, my mind still reeling from the information she gave me, forcing myself to push that to the back of my mind. I had more important things to worry about than a grieving mother's misjudgment of myself being her long lost child.

"Wanheda has finally graced up with her presence." Lexa says sarcastically, her face was blank but her eyes held worry and question.

Damn her and her ability to read me.

"I apologize, commander. I was planning to have my general here but something's come up short notice. May I speak with you privately Heda?" I ask, using my best manners.

Lexa nods and we walk to the door and down the stairs in silence.

We don't usually address one another formally, in public, yes, but not exactly to that extent, even then we were both still casual about it. Though she always calls me Wanheda around strangers because of my whole name being a secrecy thing even though I do call her Lexa infront of people.

"What is it Clarke? You look, to put nicely, riled up." Lexa asks worriedly, a frown between her brows.

"A missile is coming. Here to TonDC, shortly. A maunon was captured by Octavia, I let him go with a message to his president. As retaliation they are going to bomb TonDC and everyone inside it." I informed her, forcing my racing heart to slow. I've been in worse predicaments so I knew I needed to keep a clear head.

"Your sure?" Lexa asked, her tone hard as she starts thinking for a course of action, though I knew she didn't need to ask, she wanted to convince herself.

"Yes, I came as soon as I could but I don't know how much time we have-"

Lexa's eyes met mine, understanding and sadness was found in them as yells could be heard from above, cutting me off.

We were too late.

Her eyes seemed to have been switching between mine and lower, as a loud 'whoosh' could be heard from above she's suddenly right infront of me, her hand gripped to my waist and soft lips press against mine.

I froze for a moment, but only a moment before I kissed back, closing my eyes and accepting my last moments of life with Lexa as she pulls out bodies flush together and I knot my hands in her hair, kissing her deeply.

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