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All I wanted was to deposit my weekly check. I hear a crash followed promptly by gunshots. "Everybody get down!" the man yells and shoots at an empty teller booth. I crouch down and pray that someone called the cops. The man (who I assume is the leader) tells his goonies to round up the civilians. One comes over to grab me only for his eyes to go wide. He yells, "Boss come take a look at this!" The man walks over and says, " Oh God. Not again, I won't go back, I refuse to go back to that evil place. PACK IT UP BOYS, SHE'S HERE AND WE ALL KNOW WHAT HAPPENS IF SHE IS HERE!" Surprised, the goonie helps me up and wishes me fair well as they retreat. I walk back to my apartment and crash into my bed.
The next day I woke up, a bit startled, not believing what happened, thinking it was all a dream. I turn on the news only for the reporter to be delivering the story, "Breaking News, a well known gang, The Hendersons, were reported attempting to rob a bank in Southwest Michigan. For some unknown reason, they left without taking anything. Reporting live from the scene here's Cathy with the story."
The camera cuts to a woman in a large coat with heavy stage makeup and glasses, "Thank you Shila, all authorities are telling us right now is that The Hendersons only shot a tellers booth and scared a few people. They are on the lookout for a black van with a Tooth bumper sticker. We will know more details on Action News at 5, back to you, Sheila at the studio."
I turned the T.V. off and went to work, I work at a local diner, but only the lunch rush so I can work on my up and coming journalism class. I set my stuff down when Abby, my coworker and best friend, runs up and gives me a huge mama bear hug. She had heard what had happened and tried texting me about it. Abby could not have freaked out more if I had told her it was Bigfoot himself. She remarks, "Oh Alison this is all the Don's fault, none of this would have happened if the Don wasn't involved." She finishes her rambling to see me with a confused face. Finally, after being too confused I asked who Don was and what he had to do with a simple wayward robbery. She exclaims, "Not Don, the Don, the most important man in the entire city! The head honcho, the man of the hour, the leader of the biggest Mafia in the United States! Get on that man's bad side and you'll have all the criminals in America looking for you."
"Abby! Table four is waiting on you! I don't pay you to stand there and chit chat with your friend!" The boss says. I'm kind of glad he berates her, she was kind of scaring me. Though I have one task tonight, and that is to look up this oh-so-famous Don.
By the time my shift ends I have to go get my weekly shopping done, so I head into the grocery store only to bump into Ryan, my high school crush... And may I say age sure does fit him. I stutter out, "S-sorry for bumping into you. Oh my gosh, Ryan is that you?!"
"Alison, oh my goodness, it is so good to see you! How have you been?"
We carry on polite conversation until I realise that the grocery store is only open for another hour and I really need food. We bid each other adieu and I promised to call him sometime soon.
When I got home, I put all my stuff in their proper places and sat my behind down on the couch with my laptop. I looked up Michigan Mafia and sure enough google had an answer for me. The Vampire Bites is their name and they are most reputable for their victims being very hard to verify because they rip each tooth out one by one and drain them of all their blood. The next recommended question is who the Don of the Vampire Bites is. I click on the link and it takes me to a different Google page. All different news sites come up, but I am more interested in the Wikipedia box that comes up on the right hand of my screen. A blurry picture pops up with a quick summary underneath it. It states;
Ryan John Romano is the notorious Don on the Vampire Bites. He is famous for killing anyone who gets in the way of his heist. One survivor gave an interview stating that "Ryan Romano has no grovences about killing anyone who gets in his way, except a girl." It has yet to be discovered who said girl is, but most speculate it being his high school sweetheart Alison Finnichi.
Of course I have a lunch date with the most notorious Mafia Leader. Just my luck.

Sorry for this one being kinda long! I Just had a great idea and had to run with it.

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