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    The Power Three, The Animal Woman, and The Scott. Those are my family, all genetically enhanced in some way. Then there was I, Kira, the only normal one in the family. Yes it's great to have a family that can save you on a whim. But, sometimes it sucks. I’m in high school and am going through the hardest years in my life, and I have no personal superhero to help me through it. Some days I wish I had a normal family.
   I was walking through the park when I heard a whoosh followed by footsteps. “Oh Jeremy.” I thought chuckling to myself. His pace finally slows down to mine and we have a nice chat about school, you see, the triplets, Jeremy, John, and Joshua, are all on a fast tracked course to finish school quicker. I on the other hand am just a lowly public school kid who has to take class 7 hours a day. Then come home and do 4 hours of homework. You know what my brothers have to do? 3 hours of school work, the patrol until they get tired, then they get to sleep the rest of the time! It’s annoying to say the least. 
Anywho, I was talking to Jeremy and he was telling me about their latest foe. Dr. Robotical, was trying to take over the tristate area again. He told me that it took my brothers and my parents to take him down. That's when the idea popped into my head. I will become a supervillain and finally get to see my family more.
    That night I came up with a whole plan. I would take pieces of my family's old costumes and bleach them. Then I would take a couple of seniors and hide them at the top of the Tall Tower. After that I assume my family will want to come and save the valuable pieces of society (AKA the people who pay their paycheck) and I slink off. 
    The plan commences just as I had planned, everyone of my family members trying to break the kids out of the metal contraption I had locked them in. Sadly for them I magnetized it so it wouldn’t unlock until I had them tired out. That night I ran home, showered, went downstairs and saw my family eating takeout without me. I exclaimed, “Hey guys, you’re home early, what do you say to a board game night?” They all looked at eachother, then back to me and said yes.

Best Idea I’ve ever had. 
This ones shorter because I have an early night and couldn’t write this at one AM when the creative/loopy juices usually start flowing! Hope you enjoyed it anyway! Stay Safe

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2020 ⏰

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