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   All my life I have had a simple tattoo, on my left calf I have a bone. This is basically my only knowledge that I have a soulmate out there. What does the tattoo mean… I don’t even know myself. I think my parents are hoping he’s a doctor but knowing my luck, he’ll just be a guy who has broken a lot of bones. I don't need a soulmate who's as busy as a doctor anyway, I need too much attention! Eventually I give into the dream that he is a handsome doctor and will whisk me away from this small town of mine. 
   As a school teacher, things get pretty hectic anyway. I teach third grade, they are the easiest and calmest out of all elementary school kids. They require less effort than the little kids under 7, yet aren't as nervous and high energy as fourth and fifth graders. Though the job could be tiring, I know I am making a difference in the world, teaching the future. 
  After a long day I am finally away from school and have a chiropractor appointment. I rush to make it before five o’clock. I open the door to be greeted by a wonderful secretary named Samantha. She greets me saying, “Hello and welcome to What's Crackin! Do you have an appointment today?” 
I respond with a polite, “Yes, I am here to see Dr. Anderson.”
She smiles at me and says, “Kate Weber?”
“Thats me!” I exclaim with a curt nod.
“Dr. Anderson will see you in a couple minutes. Please feel free to have a seat” Samantha explains, pointing to comfortable and fluffy chairs.
  The waiting room is mostly white and looked as if it was just freshly cleaned. It had a coffee table accented with the newest copy of Reader's Digest and a few chiropractic magazines. 
  I hear my name being called by a silky and masculine voice. I follow the voice ony to be greeted by the handsome man I’ve ever met. I reach my hand out introducing myself. I almost melt into the floor when he grabs my hand and gives a response.            We walk into the back room where I see the chiropractor table. I put my purse down and take off my kitten heels. I am wearing mid knee pants, just my luck that my soulmark is showing to this beautiful man. I lay down getting myself comfortable when he asks me what is wrong. I tell him that the bottom of my back has been hurting as well as my hips. He writes that down and we begin chatting about our work. I told him that I teach third grade and tell him about some of my favorite students. He was about to pop my left leg/knee when he saw my soulmark and went silent, the polite chats came to a screeching halt. At first I thought my soul mark was making him uncomfortable, but when I go to pull my pant leg down, he grabs my wrist. Not in a painful way, but just enough to know that he is being serious. I look up at him and his eyes are full of admiration and wonder. I look at his right forearm and here it is, what looks like a clipart picture of a chalkboard. 
  I gasp and grab his arm to look closer. His only response is, “Well Ms. Webber, I’ve been looking for you for a long time.” I counter with, “Well Dr. Anderson, I think I could say the same!” We both laugh, grateful that we have finally found the person that we are going to spend the rest of our lives with. 

Well, yet another long one! Just as I had said before, I liked the prompt and just ran with it. Hope you enjoyed it and stay safe!

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