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    Some people think I’m Ruthless, others think I’m just a guy trying to make money. To me, I am a solver of problems. You see, I am an assassin. I take pride in what I do because sometimes it is an easy job. Others, not so much. Luckily, I was built for this, you see I’m your average woman. I have black hair that comes down to the middle of my back, I am skinny but not a stick like the expectations of the media. I have acne, not much but enough scarring to make me look unthreatening. To the everyday eye I am just the ordinary woman passing the street, what they don’t know is that I am a highly trained assassin and can take them down with just my pinky. 
    Now I know what you’re saying, “But this all sounds bad, what are the good sides of this! Always running from the law, the threat of having someone find you out, not staying in the same place for too long! What are the perks?” And to answer that question, my friend, I am going to tell you the story of the best job I’ve ever taken. 
    You see it all started when I was stalking my tearge for a past job, making sure he was in the right place at the right time, when I saw a little girl crying and a woman yelling at her. I walk a bit closer, while still keeping an eye on my target of course, when I hear the woman saying some nasty things to her daughter. Things that I have had experience with and would not wish it on an innocent girl like her. The woman storms off screaming, “Fine! FInd your own way home if you don’t want to come with me!”, leaving a crying girl in her wake. I walk over to the girl trying to look as non imposing as I can. 
I say, “Sweety, whatever that vile woman was spewing, it’s not true, okay.” I looked the girl once over to see that she totally had bruises all over her arms and legs. She must have escaped and that was why the woman was yelling. I asked her a few basic questions. I ask, “What’s your name?” 
The girl whispers, “Lilly, what’s yours ma’am?”
I was taken aback by the formal language but kindly responded, “My name is Erin. Who was the woman that yelled at you?” 
    The girl- Lily started to sob again and pleaded, “Please don’t take me back! I don’t want to go back!”
    Oh my gosh, that just broke my heart in two. I have to get her out of this obvious abusive home, but first I have to finish the hit I was hired to do. I say sternly, “Lilly you must stay here until I get back. I mean it, don’t move an inch.” I ran off to catch up with my target only to see the plan worked perfectly, he “tripped” on a pinecone that happened to be connected to a tripwire that just so happens to be connected to the trigger of a gun… 
    I walk back to Lilly thinking to myself, what am I going to do… Take her with me? I can’t, this life is too inconsistent and dangerous for her. I look back at her only to see she is just sitting there quietly, she didn’t move an inch. I smile and say, “Alright My Heart, it’s time to go.” She smiles and prances off next to me, always right by my side until we reach my car. I say, “My Heart do you usually ride with or without a carseat?” The confused look on her face told me all I needed to know. “Alright let's get you strapped in then” I sigh reluctantly. She grins and gets in the car willingally. I smile to myself, glad that she trusts me. 
    I asked her to give me directions to her house and her face fell. I said, “It’s okay My Heart, we are only going there to pick up your stuff!” Much to her chagrin, we made it safely to her house. I unbuckle her and hold her hand all the way up the driveway. I knock on the door and an obviously drunk man answers in a dirty shirt and unbuttoned jeans. All he has to do is look at her and laugh. “Ah so you finally got someone from Social Services down here, I’ve got to say for the first time in your life, I’m kinda’ proud.” I scoff at him and push my way through the door and glace around the house. It’s dirty to say the least, liquor bottles everywhere, torn clothes, and broken glass everywhere. I turn to Lilly and ask, “This is really where you live?” she nods and hides behind my legs as the woman from the park approaches. She has the same ugly cheetah print shirt on but exchanged her jeans from the park to a pair of tight leather pants. 
    She glares down at Lilly and glances up at me and asks, “What do you want with the brat?” I look at her in shock, how could someone address their own kid like that! I say, “I am here to take Lilly away from this horrible place! From now on she will be living with me, expect a visit from the proper authorities tomrrow.” I huff. What I really meant was, I’ll be back to take you out and you’ll never know it was me. 
    She comes downstairs with a small plastic bag and a stuffed animal and looks at me for directions on what to do. I hold out my hand and say, “Come on My Heart, I think it’s time for us to go.” She takes my hand and we stride out of there with pride on our faces. We get in the car and drive off to my hotel room. On the way there Lilly sudanlly asks a question, “Erin, why do you keep calling me your heart?” I replied the best way I could, “I call you My Heart because the first time I saw you, my heart grew three time bigger than it was and I wanted to remember that feeling.” And from then on, it was My Heart and I against the world. 

Yet another long one! Hope you enjoyed it and stay safe!

Also if you haven't already, check out my newest short story on my page, it is quite dark but I feel like it may resonate with some people.

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