Sakura (Part 2)

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Even from a distance I could already see an ocean of pink. I was literally bouncing on my toes. The chilly wind blew and even when it made my hair into a complete mess my mood couldn't get any happier. I grabbed Lucas who was beside me and dragged him.

"Lucas, look at the Sakura!" I pointed out but his dark eyes stayed on me and smiled at my reaction. I slapped his arm. "The Sakura! Not my face, stupid." I giggled.

"Let's walk slower. It's chilly." Lucas with his bored tone grabbed my waist and looked unattentive with the Sakura.  I let him be and just enjoyed myself.

I noticed how he's really sticking to me like glue. With his arm protectively wrapping my waist. That's when I had an idea. I also wrapped my arm around his waist.

Lucas on the other hand looked at me weirdly. Like I did something wrong. I frowned. "What?" I asked annoyed. "You're actually cold, aren't you?" I teased and he narrowed his eyes at me.

"You're bouncing all over the place and my butt is freezing. Yes, I'm cold." I removed my arm around his waist and just wrapped it around his arm.

"Oh, and don't do that." Lucas said seriously and it mad me confused.

"Do what? This?" I asked while hugging his arm more. I giggled when I saw him faintly blush and looked away.

"No, not that. Don't hug my waist."

"Why not?"

"We'd look stupid, Athanasia." He mummbled so I bursted in laughter at what he said.

"You actually care about what others think?" I laughed more and he scoffed at me. Clearly annoyed.

"Come on! Don't go all sulky. Just look at the Sakura it's so pretty." I pointed at the ocean of pink in front of us.

And just like before. He would shake his head and look at me istead of what I'm pointing at.

"Looking at you is better than any Sakura."

Thank you for reading! Make sure to comment and vote if you liked it guys! Have a nice day!!!!!!

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