Chapter 10

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Elizabeth was in a panic as she was speeding to the doctor's as fast as she could hoping not to hit any traffic or get stuck in the snow. She wanted to help Emily get better she wanted her daughter to be able to grow up happy and in a better home then she was in. But more ever she was pissed at that man for doing this to her daughter and she planned on making him suffer any way she could.

Elizabeth rounded the corner and saw the doctors office in sight she quickly pulled into a parking spot before running around the back and grabbing Emily out of her car seat and carrying her in as fast as she could to see the doctor.

No sooner had she got through the door then did she spot the doctor she talked to before.

"Right this way Elizabeth bring her back here."

"Elizabeth carried the asleep Emily to the room the doctor showed her before placing Emily on the bed in the room."

"Ok now Elizabeth were going to run a few more test on her, I just want to be careful and make sure nothing else is causing this."

"What if its something bad?" Elizabeth was worried now hoping nothing else was wrong with her baby.

"Elizabeth breath ok. There is a good chance nothing is wrong with her, we are just making sure, there is also a chance this is her brains defense mechanism. We just got sure of anything yet ok."

"Ok please Doctor just take care of her for me."

"Will do Elizabeth and please call me Amanda."

Elizabeth sat in the chair in the room while they took Emily out to get some tests. Elizabeth was hoping for the best and was sure after this she would never leave Emily out of her sight and she would take care of the girl for the rest of her life just to keep her safe.

Elizabeth couldn't stand to lose anyone else.

She lost Sarah because she couldn't be accepting and now, she might lose Emily to what her foster father did to her. Elizabeth's Mama bare side was kicking in full force now and she wanted to know everything about the home Emily was in before she ran away, and she wanted to know now.

Elizabeth pulled out her cell phone and made one call she hadn't made in years.

"John it's Elizabeth I need you to find out who someone is for me."

"Sure, Elizabeth but why the call out of the blue?"

"I'll make it short I found a girl saved her adopted her as my daughter and now there is a chance, she could have more lifelong problems then I thought. I want you to find out who was her foster father before she ran away. I'll text you everything just find the bastard and tell me." Elizabeth was pissed now ready to kill this bastard if she ever found him.

"Wow calm down Lizzy I'll find the guy buy Jesus don't kill him." John was worried what Elizabeth might do with knowing how she gets when she gets pissed.

John remembers the last time she got this pissed some guy tried to slip her something in her drink at a bar. She almost killed the guy it took 5 full grown men to pull her off of him and even then, the poor bastard still couldn't walk right for years. 

After waiting almost 3 hours Doctor Amanda came back out to the room Elizabeth was waiting in.

"The good news is her brain and everything else is fine however after running a few other test it does seem when ever she is under some kind of stress her brain changes how it works and we think that's why she regresses. I will keep a eye on her over night and see what happens after she gets 12 hours of sleep. I really want to know if she remembers anything when she wakes up."

Elizabeth couldn't help but breath a huge sign of relief "So she's going to be ok other than the regression?"

"Yes, she should be fine. I'll have them pull a bed in here for tonight and I'll make sure she has a crib for the day." Amanda smiled seeing how relaxed Elizabeth is now.

"Elizabeth if you want something for sleep tonight feel free to ask and I'll get you something."

"It's ok doc I'll be fine." Elizabeth suddenly saw Amanda's face change.

"Yeah not happening you will get some sleep tonight I can't have you be tired when Emily needs you the most. There is a chance she will not remember anything today and I if that's the case it's up to you to tell her this if you want and I want you rested understand?"


"No buts Elizabeth sit here and relax for now you got a while before it's lights out here." And with that Doctor Amanda walked away closing the door behind her.

"Baby I know you are asleep and sedated right now but please I love you with all my heart even if you are regressed and like a baby forever I will always take care of you no matter what happens." Elizabeth leaned down and kissed Emily on her head before noticing a smile on Emily's face.

Elizabeth walked back to her chair and sat down before calling John again.

"I forget what is this going to cost me John."

"Elizabeth if this guy did all of what you said he did I'll do it for free but I'm going to take care of him not you." John knew Elizabeth was always careless and he wasn't.

"John, I know your job I know you fix problems but please let me do this one."

"No Lizzy that's finally I told your parents year's ago I would keep you safe and I plan on it. If this monster says he did it, I will make sure he pays but I won't have you having anything to do with it understand?"

John remember Lizzy's parents he wasn't her god father for nothing he just wished he could have said goodbye before her parents died.

It had been years since he last did anything or any job officially, he quit but for Lizzy he would do this for her and her new daughter he just hoped Lizzy could keep it together.

After Sarah that almost broke her, and all be damned if anything happened to Emily. This guy was going to pay, and he was going to do it.

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