Chapter 11

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Elizabeth had been pacing the room none stop unable to sit still worrying over Emily for the last few hours when she finally woke up from being sedated.

"Oh god my head. Where am I Elizabeth?"

"Your back at the doctor's office in the Hospital part of the building sweetie."

"Why am I here?" Emily was a little scared having no memory of why she was here.

"Sweetie what is the last thing you remember doing this morning?" Elizabeth asked.

"Um we were talking then that's all I remember why?" Emily was wondering where this was going with Elizabeth asking questions like she was, and she was worried.

"Sweetie do you remember when we talked to the therapist and remember what you told me about the last home you were in before you ran away?" Elizabeth wondered if she really did remember. With everything going on.

"Um I think I do why what about." Emily was trying to remember what happened this morning and last night, but her mind was foggy.

"Sweetie from what the doctor says he tried to kill you...." Elizabeth said nothing hoping for it to set it and Emily to understand.

"What... No that can't be true I don't remember that...." Emily was now wondering what else might be wrong with her if he tried to do that.

"Sweetie from what the doctor says she thinks he tossed you at a wall or something like that and you woke up and ran. That's why they never reported you as a runaway right away." Elizabeth was hoping this was not too much information for Emily right now. Elizabeth didn't want Emily to regress again she was scared she could lose her forever.

"I really don't remember anything like that Elizabeth. I just remember waking up one morning something happened then I ran as fast as I could." Emily didn't like to see Elizabeth sad Emily new what she had to do and slowly made her way the best she could to Elizabeth before reaching out wanting Elizabeth to pick her up and cuddle her.

Elizabeth saw what Emily was trying to do to cheer her up and make her smile. Elizabeth reached over to the hospital crib they had Emily in and picked her up before returning to her chair to hold Emily close to her.

"Thank you, sweetie this means a lot to me." Elizabeth says smiling down at Emily.

"Your welcome it looked like you really needed it." Emily pushed herself more into Elizabeth's arms cuddling more into her not wanting this moment to end.

"Emily sweetie I need to ask you a question and I want a serious answer." Emily looked up at Elizabeth wondering what it could be.

"Sure, I'll try to."

"Emily do you remember the name of the family you where with before you ran away?' Elizabeth was hoping Emily knew. Elizabeth wanted revenge on that man for doing what he did to Emily and how much he had hurt her.

'God please Emily remember their name please I'm begging you.' Elizabeth thought not wanting her true feelings to be shown to Emily.

"Um I think their last name was Cassidy. I knowhis first name was Jack, but he would hit us if we called him that. I'm sorryElizabeth but that is all I can really remember." Emily said.

Elizabeth kissed Emily on her head and hugged her tightly. "Thank you, sweetie, that's all I needed to know. What say we get you changed you're soaked."

Elizabeth carry's Emily back over to the crib before grabbing some of her own supply's she brought and changing Emily into one of her pampers diaper's and pulling back down her hospital gown.

"Sweetie is it ok if I leave you in here for a few with a nurse I really need to make a phone call really quick." Elizabeth was doing her best to hide her rage right now wanting to get ahold of john.

Elizabeth hit the nurse button by Emily's Hospital crib waiting for the nurse to get there.

After waiting 5 minutes a nurse finally showed up. Elizabeth quickly explained that she needed to make a phone call.

"No problem ma'am I'll watch her for you." The nurse said before taking Emily from Elizabeth letting Elizabeth leave the room.

Elizabeth walks down the hall a bit to a place where no one should hear her. She pulls out her phone and calls John.

"Hey john I found out the scum bags name." Elizabeth said hoping to make john's job easier.

"Sure, Lizzy what's his name?"

"Jack Cassidy is what Emily told me. See if you can find anyone who was a foster parent named that." Elizabeth said to jack.

"Ok Lizzy let me do this and you stay out of it ok? I'll find him I promise." John wanted this man to pay but at the same time he didn't want Elizabeth to get involved.

"I'll talk to you later Lizzy when I get an update." John said before hanging up. He knew where to start he just had to call in a favor.

"Well I hope he can find the bastard he will pay for what he did to my Emily." Elizabeth feelings for Emily were getting stronger as time when on and she was not fully sure why.

Elizabeth put her phone back in her pocket and walked back to Emily's room with a smile on her face.

"Thanks for watching her for me, sorry I took so long." Elizabeth said to the nurse.

"It's no problem ma'am I hope you and your daughter can leave soon." The nurse said before handing Emily over to Elizabeth and then leaving the room.

"Thank god you saved me. I swear she thought I was like 5 or 6 at most." Emily said with a pout on her face.

Elizabeth couldn't help but laugh a little. "Sweetie you look 6 at best it's not her fault."

"Hey! That's not funny." Emily pouting more looking cuter and cuter to Elizabeth.

While Emily and Elizabeth were bonding together, they didn't notice that Doctor Amanda had walked into the room.

"Elizabeth can we talk in private for a few."

"Sure, doctor let me put Emily in her crib and turn on the tv." Elizabeth places Emily in the crib before turning on animal planet for her to watch while she's outside the room.

"So, what did you need to talk about Amanda?" Elizabeth was slightly worried but had some hope.

"Well Elizabeth I got some bad news." Amanda said seeing the look on Elizabeth's face go from happy to stressed and worried quick.

"What's wrong please tell me." Elizabeth sobbing.

"We found out that she may never get her bladder or bowl control back again it seems over the years she had more damage than we first thought." Amanda says seeing Elizabeth's face change to one that as sad but more somber.

Elizabeth had no idea how to break this news to Emily. Elizabeth knew Emily liked diapers, but she didn't know if she would like to be stuck in them for life.

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