Part 19: Group Therapy

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It's been a week since we ran into Lilly and Abel. Me and Aj are both out of bed and pitching in now, but I'm still not at 100 percent.

Most of the defenses are near completion, but we've just been waiting now since there's nothing to do. Everyone feels on edge most of the time, and it's getting hard to stay positive since we could be attacked any moment.

Clem's been doing a pretty good job of getting us all ready. Setting traps, planning our defense, and helping others improve their fighting. I've been helping any way that I can, but I can only do so much.

A lot of the time I end up sitting on the couch due to my leg, and then I try to cheer people up or just calm them down. Most of the time I feel like I'm just winging it, but it usually works out in the end.

I'm sitting on the couch now giving my leg a break, when Aj and Tenn come over. "Hey Y/N! Can me and Tenn use your CD player?"

I let out a grin. This CD player has been my main tool for calming everyone down, and I can't complain. "Sure thing Aj, but be careful. Backpack should have all the discs."

"Thanks Y/N!"

They both run off to a table to listen to music and draw. Seeing them being able to relax like that makes me hope everything works out. These kids all deserve to feel safe, but that won't happen unless we stop Lilly.

"I see doctor Y/N just helped his first patient of the day."

I look up and see Louis standing and grinning. "What can I say? I've been getting pretty good at giving advice, and my CD player, lately."

We both let out a light chuckle, and then he sits down. "So do you need anything Louis, or you just getting a break?"

Louis looks down and rubs the back of his head. "Uh kind of. I actually wanted to ask you something, but it's probably something you aren't expecting."

"Don't worry about it Louis, just ask."

He lets out a sigh. "Well, how are you doing Y/N?"

I look at him and smile. "I'm doing great man. I'll be back to 100 percent real soon."

Louis just frowns at my answer. "That's not what I meant. I meant....mentally."

I look at him with a blank stare, and my mood shifts instantly. "Why are you asking? Do you think somethings wrong?"

Louis just sits quietly not knowing what to do. Finally he sighs and waves to some other kids for help. Clem, Violet, and Aasim walk over.

"Huh, so there something you all want to tell me?"

They all take a seat and look at each other, waiting for someone to speak. Finally, Violet decides to speak up. "Look Y/N, there's nothing wrong with needing some help."

"What do I need help with Vi? No one has told me yet."

Clem steps in now trying to ease the situation. "Y/N, you've been doing a lot for this group. Pushing your recovery, listening to others, and doing anything we request of you. We all appreciate it, but we're also worried about you."

The others all nod their heads in agreement, and let Clem continue. "We...we hear you Y/N. Talking to someone when you're alone, and having nightmares at night.

I can't believe this. They think they know everything about me or some shit. "Look, Im fine. It's nothing to worry about guys seriously. I can handle it."

Aasim looks annoyed at this. "You kidding? Dude, I've literally watched you do it today before Aj and Tenn came over!"

I look at him confused. "So you've been spying on me now? What is this, do you guys literally not trust me?"

Louis speaks up now to defend everyone. "No dude, we're worried. You're one of our friends, and we just wanna make sure your okay."

I really don't wanna deal with this. "Look, I appreciate your concern, but I..."

I look down at the ground. "I don't know if I'm ready for this. You guys have become really close to me, and I don't want your view of me to change."

I look up and see everyone is upset. I realize now my face feels wet, and start to wipe away my tears. Clem sits down next to me and grabs my hand. "Nothing is going to change my opinion on you Y/N. Same goes for all of us."

I look around and see everyone nodding in agreement and smiling. I haven't felt like this since the Wayne's...

"This is why I'm having nightmares. Talking to myself."

They all look at each other confused. "What is Y/N?"

"Being here. Getting close to all of you. I'm scared that.."

I begin to get very emotional and upset. Other kids start to notice and walk over. "That some of you will die, and it'll be my fault. I can't live with the guilt of knowing that someone else is dead because I wasn't there to stop it."

Everyone starts to feel bad for me, and some even get emotional as well. "I've pushing myself...trying to do whatever to prevent that. I rather have to give up my life then any of-"

"Don't even think thoughts like that Y/N!"

I turn to see Clem with tears in her eyes and looking right into my eyes. "You're not gonna do anything like that you hear me! You're going to get through this with us, and help us get survive after this is all over."

I continue to look at her and then everyone else. Many of them are emotional and look worried. I turn back to Clem and give her a quick hug. "I'm sorry Clem. I'm sorry guys. I didn't mean to worry or make anyone upset. I just don't want to lose anyone else."

Everyone comes over to comfort me and try to cheer me up. "I'll try to do a better job when it comes to getting help. I shouldn't rely on just myself when I have great people like all of you with me."

Everyone smiles and some even blush. Clem blushes as well, but I'm not sure if that's from the hug or what I said.

I stand up and look at everyone. "I think it's time we got back to work though. This conversation can continue another day, and it will. When I'm ready. Until then, let's get back to what we were doing."

Everyone heads off except for Clem. "Y/N, when that time comes I want you to come to me okay?"

I look at her and give a sad smile. "Don't worry Clem, I will."

She smiles and walks away from where I'm standing. I wipe my eyes and look at the fire. "You're the only one who might be able to help me."

In Too Deep: A Walking Dead Clementine x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now