The UnderGround Cavern

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Alrighty, so I want to become a author when I grow up and I've already made a series. Ok sorry I haven't been posting and stuff, I've been super busy. Any way, my story is called The UnderGround Cavern. More details about that later. I am doing some character art for it. And I want to put up the pictures and some facts about them and see how you guys like them.
I've only got Andromeda done though.

Andromeda: 1) At the end of the series she is 16 or 17

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1) At the end of the series she is 16 or 17.
2) She is a Nymph
3) She falles in love with this werewolf named Remus.
4) She is one of the first friends to Halley Stone, the main character of the series.
5) Full name is: Andromeda Lily Aconite Wilds. Yes her mother named her mostly after flowers.

Note: These characters are not even remotely related to the Harry Potter series. I know Remus is a werewolf, but I made the werewolf triplets then later when I was reviewing them I thought oh shoot, this sounds like Professor Lupin. I did not plan it.

The Werewolf triplets:

Don't have art for them yet.

1) Their names are Fenrir, Remus and Lupa Bolt.  Again I did not plan it.
2) Remus was not originally a werewolf but, his father(a selfish idiot jerk) bit him when he was little because his siblings were all were werewolfs  and he wanted to even it out.
3) Lupa is older by 3 minutes.
4) All werewolves have a wolfish nick- name that they go by for the rest of their lives (exception:Halley)
5) The Triplets don't have real names because their parents knew they were werewolves from the start.

Hope you likes that glimpse into my story! Good Night!

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