can you

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can you
Because I need to know if you could handle it?

I was at the studio with Quincy working on my off the wall album, when maya called me. She knew I was busy, she knows my schedule. It had to be important, so I took it. Yes ma'am? I answered. I miss you. Her voice yearned for me. I smirked. Babygirl ya know I'm at the studio. I said looking over at Quincy. I know. She whined. Listen if everything goes as planned, I'll come over. I finally spoke. Don't be late. She demanded. Yes ma'am, I won't. I walked over towards the mixer. One more time on "I can't help it". Can I do that? I asked in the booth. Yeah you can do that. Quincy answered. This was only a demo but why not try right? "I can't help it, if I wanted to, I wouldn't help even if I could." The song spoke through me. "You're an angel in disguise. I can't help it, if I wanted to...." after editing beats, slowing the tempo down. I slowed it down. And omg the song was heaven. I fell in love with the song all over again. Start from the top. I spoke from the booth. And we did. Hours passed and before I knew it, it was 1:20 am.

I normally don't call it quits but I had maya waiting for me, plus I was already an hour late. Wrapping things up, I spoke to Quincy. We were walking out the door together. I entered my bwm. I called maya. Hello? She answered. Wyd? I asked. Waiting on you. I chuckled. What you waiting on me for? I smirked, fixing myself. Boy you already know. I know what? I shot back. Just know I can handle it, so hurry. Maya, can you Because i need to know if you can handle it. It was quiet for a few seconds then she answered. Yes, I can handle it michael. Question is, can you handle it? She smiled through the phone. Babygirl I like the anticipation so imma hang up. Okay. She said before hanging up. I started humming. This light need to turn green. I thought.

Finally arriving at maya's place. She answered the door with her silk robe on. She always surprise me. And I couldn't wait to see what was under. How was work? She asked. It was okay. I took off my jacket. Ya know I'm working on this album. I added. Yeah I know. I put my hat down and walked over to her. Whispering in her ear. If you know I'm at work why bother? I kissed her ear. She shivered. B-because I was miss-missing you. She stuttered. We don't need no music tonight. I grabbed her hand, walking towards her bedroom I closed the door. She kissed me. Mhm. I moaned. Can you handle it maya? She stared at me with her pretty brown eyes. Yes, Michael. I licked my lips. Take it off for me. I eyed her. She stepped back and drop her robe. And there it was: her pretty brown skin, her body was soft and smooth. I wanted to explore her and that was the only thing on my mind tonight. Lay down. I demand. She did. I stepped out my clothes. Removing a piece of clothing off one at a time, I loved to tease maya. She rubbed her thighs together indicating she was ready.

Down to my boxers, I crawled into bed. I kissed her lips. How much you miss me? I miss you so much mikey. She moaned. Well let me show you my apology for keeping you waiting. I kissed her ears down to her neck. She always tasted sweet. Kissing down to her chest. Sucking her breast. She rubbed my head. Michael. She moaned. With my legs in between her thighs, I felt her wetness. I wanted to explore her ocean all night. Even the depths, that I craved to reached. I wanted to be hers all night. I want to make love to this woman. Making my way down to her stomach. I looked up at her. She watched me before tilting her head back. I began to eat. The first lick, her body whined. Continuing my journey. She began to cry out: Michael baby. Please. She begged. I asked you could you handle it. And you said yes. I smirked. Smiling through her moans. She was almost there. She grabbed my head riding my face. She began to shake and few seconds later she came. Screaming Michael I'm cumming then exploding. I licked her juices, they were so sweet. I licked her wetness one more time, before coming up. She smiled.

Our eyes did the talking. I slid in. I closed my eyes. She knew she always had the goodies. And I mean it was great beyond imaginable. just sailing to see how far I can go. Shit. I moaned. She groaned. long slow strokes is what she wanted. I kissed her lips. She kissed my neck. Fuck. That's my spot. I moaned. Daddy. She groaned. Yes talk to me. I moaned. It feels so good. I know it does babygirl. Go deeper. She demand. Are you sure? I reassured. Yes. I dug a little deeper. Fuck. We both spoke. Her whispers and moans was music to my ears. I loved the way it swayed into my ears. I did. Daddy I'm going to cum like this. She managed to moan. Her breathe became shorten. I pulled out. Turn over and arch for me. She did. Put that pillow under you. I spoke. Dick was hard as a rock. I slid back in and out. Her wetness on my dick, made me smile. Knowing I was pleasing her, giving her the affection she needed and how warm her insides was. My only job was to make her cum now. But not so easy. I slid back in. She moaned throwing her head back. I grabbed her. Fucking her. She rosed up, I grabbed her neck. Mi-mi-Michael. She manage to groan.Yes ma'am. I spoke. Why are you fucking me like this? I let go. She arched her back once more. Her ass cheeks was clapping. I smack her left cheek. She screamed. I did it again. She bite into the pillow. You better not drop this arch. I demanded raising an eyebrow. Daddy. She put a hand behind her. I grabbed the other one. I fucked her so good. Her moans turned into screams.

My moans became louder. I was on the verge of nutting and her walls tighten around my dick. She knew she was dangerous but I couldn't help it, even if I wanted too. My last stroke was really my last stroke. Aghhhhhh Michael Joseph. She screamed into the pillow. Maya. I moaned back. She collapsed into the bed. I fell right on her. Fuck. I looked at her and her body was shaking. I didn't want to grab the nut rag. Cuddling with me she laid her head on my chest. Goodnight babygirl. Goodnight baby. I kissed her forehead. Few seconds later she was snoring.

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