i don't like to repeat myself.

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you know how I feel
this thing can't go wrong

Michael if you throw me in this pool. I'm leaving you. April joked. Janet threw a water-balloons at me. Making me release april from my arms. Chasing Janet and Mac with my super soaker. They knew it was on and popping. Label me a prankster. April chased me down pushing me in the pool while I pulled her in with me. Ahh. She scream. I smiled. You're having fun? I asked kissing her lips. Too much fun. She responded smiling. I grabbed my hat and jumped out the pool. April got out behind me.

She went into the house drying herself off. I continue to play with my friends and Janet. Michael. Janet yelled. I'm gonna get you. She joked. I tapped out when I didn't see April anymore. Maybe she was hiding. I thought. I check every location. That I would think she would hide. Only to get chased with more water-balloons and water guns. I ran into the house. April. I yelled. April, baby. I was concerned and more worried about her being than ever. Only to see her phone and car keys laying on the table where she left them at earlier.

I entered my bedroom. I heard the shower running. I closed my bedroom door. I open the bathroom door. I pulled back the curtains. You could've told me you left. I blurted out. Michael I'm in the shower, see. She said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes. I was getting turned on. I didn't notice I was staring so much until she threw water in my face. Get out nasty. She laughed. I left. Talking to my sister as everyone was leaving. I waved everyone off, walking towards the house. I finally get to spend time with April. I hoped in the shower. She was in the living room watching cartoons. She was a cartoon fanatic. After showering.

I put a shirt on with some pajama pants. Entering the living room. I sat on the floor underneath her. She started braiding my hair. We laughed at the tv not a word in sigh. I was falling for April. We was just friends nothing more nothing less. April was my best friend and I'll do anything for her. She knew that of course. After an hour of braiding. I started rubbing her feet. Michael. She playful kicked me. I kissed her ankle. She smelt like coco butter. Michael, what is you doing? She smiled. About to make you love me. I continue kissing her ankle making my way up. Look at me Michael. She groaned. I did. Why are you doing this to me? Her head tilted sideways looking at me. Doing what? I giggled. I kissed her inner thighs. Mhm. She moaned. Baby, we agreed to be friends. She struggled. But you just called me baby. I smirked.

Why aren't you wearing any panties? I asked her. Her face shot red. She started to blush. Because I don't wear panties to bed. She answered. Well, we not going to bed anytime soon it's 8:30. I stared at her. I stood up. I grabbed her hands. Come on. Where are we going? She asked seductively. My bedroom. She gripped my hand tighter. I turned the tv off and walk towards the back. We didn't make it past the stairs, she kissed my lips. You want me now I'm here, what you're going to do to me? With her angelic voice. I smiled. I put her against the wall, lifting her shirt. I began to eat. She was wet already. You're wet for daddy? Mhm mhm. She moaned. Daddy. She gasp for air. Rubbing my head. Circular motion. She moaned. Oooh yes right there. She groaned. Michael I don't want you to stop. I don't baby. She moaned. I chuckled. Continue to handle business. Michael baby. She bite her lips. Yes? I answered. I want it. I want it michael I want it. She cried out. Oh my gaw I'm about to cum, Michael ahhhh yes. oh shit boy. I stood up. I took her shirt off. Spin around. She did. I smiled. Come here. I motioned her. She took my shirt off. Rubbing up and down my chest. Been working out? She joke.

No, but I'm about to work you out in just a second. I'm waiting. She blurted. I'm admiring your body sweetheart, and you are a piece of art I could hang on my bedroom wall. So let me enjoy it before I devour it. She grabbed my hand. Taking me into our bedroom. She laid on her back. Watch me do this. She moaned. She began to rub herself. The way she rubbed her clit, made me want more of her. Speed up. I said. Grabbing myself stroking it. I crawled in between her legs. Spreading them with my leg, inserted myself in. Mhmmmm. She moan. Look at me. I spoke keeping my composure. Shit. Fucking her, she wrapped her legs around my waist, giving me access to go deeper. Daddy. She groan. She threw her head back. Mhm mhm. I responded. Why are you fucking me like this? Ohhhhh Michael. About to make you love me, is what I said. You remember? I went deeper. Yes daddy I re-remember. I pulled out.

I went back down on her. She was sweet & had more juices flowing. She gripped the sheets around. I rose back up. Turn around and arch your back. I demanded. She did. Her round ass was something I could stare at for long time. Her booty was perfect. And smooth. Arch your back. I whispered in her ears. Like that. I smacked it. She moved. Don't move! Okay. Smack. She moaned. I don't like repeating myself. And you made that very hard for me. Smack. Michael. She threw her hand back. I was aroused by it and so was she. When I enter, it felt like she was ready for it. My god. Her arch was perfect. In and out, she bit the pillow in front of her. Calling out God. And moaning my name. I loved the way she sounded, my thrust making her body shake. I wanted her to know, I was more than Michael, I could be daddy too. Throwing her hands back, I caught them. Holding them & fucking her. Mi-Mi-Michael, I-I can't take it anymore. She cried. Baby take it for daddy. I smacked her ass. Take it for me. I moaned. My thrusts was so hard and vicious her cat began to make these fart noises. We both giggled. I hear it. Ohhhh. Shit. I manage to groan. Baby, im about to cum. Michael.....Michael! She came and so did I. I released her arms. She laid back. I wiped the sweat from my face. Grabbing the towel off the floor. I cleaned her and myself. She reached for my shirt putting it on. I put my pajamas bottom on. I love you Michael. She said laying down. I smiled cuddling her. I whispered in her ear. I love you too April.

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