do that thing I like.

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I'll be your night-loving thing
I'll be the freak you can taunt

After saying my speech at the AMA's. I returned back to my seat. Moments later, I snuck out. It's a celebration. I yelled in the back of the limo. I was mixed with so many emotions. I wanted to cry but then again I was thankful and happy for the award. Arriving home.

It was empty, quiet. I unbutton my shirt. Sitting on the couch, I made a couple phone calls before dialing Ava's. I knew if I called Ava, she knew what I wanted and how I wanted. No questions asked. She knew what I like. And that's all that matter. The phone rung until I heard her soft spoken voice. Hello? Hey, it's me Michael. Oh hey baby. Hey. How did the show go? She asked. It went well, won an award. I smiled. That's good, I'm proud of you Michael, I'm truly am. Thank you. I said laying back.

Well I was wondering would you like to come over and do that thing I like? I showed an evil grin. You know I got you. She said seductively. Well I'm on my way, be ready in 30? I asked. Yes I'll be ready. Alright. I hung up the phone. Pulling into her driveway. She walked outside with her wrapped trench coat. I open the door for her. Thank you Michael. She smiles. You're welcome. I kissed her lips. Entering the car. She didn't waste anytime. I closed the door behind me. Relaxing with my shades on. I caressed her thighs. She turned to the side, revealing what was underneath that coat. Nothing.

Like I said, Ava had it going on. I smiled. When she climbed on top of me. I kissed her chest, sucking on her titties. Congrats Michael. She moaned. Rubbing my head. I looked into her eyes. Thank you. Smacking her ass. She giggle. I kissed her lips. Rubbing her back, down to her ass. She moved in between my legs, on her knees, unzipping my pants. I laid back and relaxed. She motion her mouth unto my shaft. I pulled the hair away from her face as she began to suck. Yes baby. I moaned. She was doing tricks with her mouth, that only a man could every imagine. Up and down, slow motion, she sucked me up. She gagged a couple time. Put it in your mouth baby. I moaned. Touching her throat, I knew I was at my peak. The way she looked me in my eyes while her mouth made love to my dick. I was in her trance.

I pulled her head up. Looking into her eyes. I wanna fuck you. I whispered. She blushed. Adjusting her position in the car, her ass was tooted it up. Entering her, her womanhood consume my shaft. She was wet and ready. I moaned at the thought. In and out, I go. She started throwing it back. Soon came the smacking noises. Watching her ass wiggle, made me want to nut, that I had to focus on how I made abc 123. I smacked her ass. Harder! She moaned. I did. She scream. Ahhhh. Placing my hand around her neck, angling our bodies, I was fucking her. Digging into her body, with no remorse. Her moans grew. Speaking in tongues, moaning my name. Even using swearing words. She cried and pleaded me to slow down. At this point, I wasn't in no control. The alcohol, I had consumed earlier was in control. Michael, I'm about to cum, fuck. She moaned. I had already nutted in her, but hearing her moan and cry my name, made me want to fuck her harder and longer. Michael! Michael! She cried. Releasing her juices over my shaft. I was sweating, like I was performing at a concert. I slid out. Grabbing a towel, wipping myself and her off. She kissed my lips, as I sat back. Thank you. She kissed my lips. You're welcome. I grinned.

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