if jealousy was a person.

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i wanna knock your block off
get my rocks off, blow ya socks off
make sure your g spot soft

I was taking Taylor to a show in LA. I told her to wear something cute not revealing. Things go one ear and out with Taylor. Taylor had on a red heels, with a matching plaid short skirt and jacket with a black crop top shirt. Her hair was down, and yet she was beautiful, but she knew how I didn't like short clothes on her body, it showed in all the right places. And I mean all the right places. I didn't say a word. I chew my gum, with my shades on. My fedora covered my forehead. This about to be long ride.

Finally arriving in LA, I took her to her favorite place. Paparazzi were every where. I knew why it was her spot, a lot famous people come here and chill. She loved being the center of attention, I just sat back and enjoyed the show. It was her world and I was living in it. Taylor does have a sweet side don't get me wrong, but this time she really push her limits.

I order a glass of wine, while she order vodka shots. She was really talking wild. I mean we literally just got here, if I made a blank trip I would've just stayed at home. I thought. Michael, you wanna dance? She asked. Sure. I said. Standing up, we began to dance. You seem upset about something. She whispered. I'm not. I lied. Creeping a smile on my face. We began to dance. After finishing. We order food. I popped my gum, when she noticed bbd walked into the place. She scream. Well a lot of woman screamed when they enter the building. She started acting like a groupie, which was another factor I disliked about her.

Stop all that screaming. I said. Hush up. She said. I raised an brow. Oh yeah. We not gonna make it home when I finish her ass I promise her. I thought. She pounced around like the other woman, she walked over to bbd. I watched how she talked to Mike Bivins. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her in. She started smiling. I was furious. My blood boil with rage.

Excuse my language, but this bitch really lost her rabbit ass mind. Go get the car. I told my bodyguard. I walked towards her grabbing her off of him and walking outside. The car door open, I rushed her in. Get your ass in the car. I said. Did you forgot I was here? I looked upside her head. She was quiet for a moment. If jealousy was a person. She mumbled. If what? I yelled. Nothing. She said. She took her jacket off and sat back. I took my hat off and shades. She stared out the window.

We wasn't there for an hour, Taylor, an hour! I yelled. Okay, but you don't have to yell, jealous. Jealous? I laughed. Jealous of who? I chuckled at the thought. Baby do I have to remind you who the hell I am. No. She said back with an attitude. Seems like I do. I took my jacket off. Look at me. I yelled. She did. I took her skirt off right along with her thong. I removed her crop top. Her titties sits up very well with no bra. I just stared at her body. I wanted her to know how sorry I was about to make her feel. She touched my face, don't touch me. I said. Pulling her on my dick. I held her down. Don't touch me and don't kiss me. My finally warning before thrusting my hips into hers. Now remind me who I'm jealous of again. I said fucking the shit out of her. Michael! She cried. Oh no, please don't cry now. Please don't. Her cries gave me pleasure. Holding her down, she couldn't move if she wanted too. I fucked her long and hard.

Her ass clapped against my thighs hard making clapping sounds. Michael, baby please I'm sorry. I'm sorry. She cried. I don't care anymore. I grunted in her ears. Holding on to me, was the least she would get out of me for now. Tears rolled down her face. She deserved them. Her attitude, that short skirt, the crop top and her amazing body deserved what I was giving her. The sounds grew louder while I pound her faster. She tried running, but she couldn't get out this hold. You not gonna wear anything this short out again is you? I asked. Smacking her ass hard. It echo in the back of the limousine. No Michael, no I won't. Lie again. I smacked her ass. I won't. She moaned. I honestly was enjoying this. Angry sex is the best sex. Michael please, Michael please. Please what? Oh you remember who I am huh! I smacked her ass. Yes, Michael. She cried.

What's my name? I asked biting my lips. She threw her head back. Michael Joseph Jackson. She whined. That's not good enough. I squeezed her ass cheek harder. Michael Joseph— I'm cumming. She cried. My mother then name me I'm cumming. I'm sorry. I smacked her ass twice, one after the other. Michael Joseph Jackson. She yelled. Before cumming all over me.

Pulling her off of me. Bend over. I said. Michael! She whined. That is my name. I said. Slamming my dick inside her, her wetness was all over my dick. It was gushy when I stroke in and out. Placing her hand back. I grabbed the other one. Fucking her deeper and faster. I wanted to ware her ass out. And I was in fact doing us both a favor. Mi....Michael, I'm sorry. She confess. For what? I smiled. For flirting with another man and calling you jealousy. She cried. I went deeper. Aghhhhhh. She cried. And what else? I asked. And what else? I yelled. Forcing myself deeper. For my attitude and my clothing. She moaned. I began to slow stroke her. Sliding myself out of her.

Put your clothes back on. Imma finish you when I get home. I promise you that. I said with a straight a face. While she grasp for air.

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