my lovely one

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baby would you mind undressing me
making me feel sexy

Janice was different to me, she liked the things I like, she could paint, write poems, play tag with me, she was just what I needed. She didn't care about clothes, money, or travel expenses. As long as she was with me, she felt safe. She always told me that, and quite frankly, I never knew I needed that assurance from her.

We were at the mall, she was trying on her new pair of jeans. Woman take all day don't they. I teased. Shut up, Michael. She yelled from the other side of the door. I smiled while chewing my gum. Come out so I can see whats in them jeans girl. I teased. The door swung open. How I look? She greeted me. Turn around so I can get a peek. I teased. Whatever. She laughed. You look good. I admitted. Thank you. She said before closing the door changing into her clothes. I let her browse the store for more clothes.

She was on the other-side of the store while I was being swarmed by fans. Woman threw theirselves at me. "Michael you're so sexy." "Michael I love you." "Michael can I touch you?" "Michael can I have your autograph?" Was all I heard, while signing autographs my only focus was on Janice. I loved the way she did things. little things. like the slightest touch made me flip, her kisses made my body want more, just anything of Janice, my body and soul craves her.

Scanning her throughout the store, a kid walked up to me. Of course I took a picture with her and signed an autograph for her. Looking up I didn't see Janice. I told my bodyguard. I don't see Janice anymore. And I began to worry. I knew she was in the store but I wanted her in my sight. The distance between us, I couldn't bare it. But I had fans, and I didn't want to disappoint them.

Honestly, I was ready to get back to Neverland, knowing she would be hungry the moment we left the store. I knew Janice like the back of my hand. I studied my woman and her body language. I knew what she wanted when she slightly turned her head away from me. Even in the bedroom. She was a book, that I picked up and read over and over again. She was my favorite book.

With my shades on, I was checking her out, while she was at the check out line. When we get home, I want you naked. I whispered in her ears. Sliding my card to the cashier. Janice started blushing. When I get home, I'm taking a nap. She shot back. Imma put you to sleep. I joked. We both started laughing. The cashier was confused to why we were laughing. You can put the receipt in the bag. I said before grabbing the bag. Janice held my hands leaving the store. It was about to be hell. I thought.

Finally entering the truck, what you want to eat? I asked. Poking her lips out. Mhm, I don't know but I am hungry. How did you know? She hit me playfully. Because I know. Reaching in for a kiss on her lips. She kissed me back. Receding from her lips. Her lips turned into a smile. You ain't smooth. She laugh. I ain't trynna be smooth lady. She took my shades off. I licked my lips. The little things she does to me. Mhm. I said running my eyes over her body and face. Pizza? She said. Baby, we had pizza the other day. I exclaimed. I know. She said out of exhaustion. We can cook? She said. Yeah we could. I smiled. But what though? I added. I got this, so don't worry about that. She spoke confidently. I kissed her cheeks. Michael stop. She laughed. Embracing her body. Her scent was so heavenly. You always wanna play. She teased. Yeah with you. I giggle.

Finally arriving home, I put her bag up in the bedroom. I walked towards the kitchen. She started washing the veggies off. Bell pepper, onions, fajitas? Tacos? I asked kissing her neck. Maybe. She said taking it all in. Why are you so tense? Taking a step back. I'm not. She lied. Sitting down in the chair from across. I watched her move, I knew she was nervous. Because she'd smile at me when we made  eye contact. I make you nervous? I smirked. Just a little. She joke. We'll I'm let you continue cooking. I'm going outside for a walk.

An hour later.

Janice set the food on low on the stove. Maybe she in the shower. In fact she was. Baby, I'm setting the table. I yelled. Hoping she heard me. I hear you loud and clear. She said seductively. She stood in the door frame, with her lingerie on with her robe opened. Her hair down. A smile grew on my face. I plop down in my chair, spreading my legs open. Don't keep me waiting. I said. She walks over. No, don't you keep me waiting. Before sitting in my lap. I see you sat the table just for us to mess it up. She stared into my eyes. I swiped the plates away from my area, before laying her down on the table. Kissing her lips. I unbutton my shirt. Take this off. I said. Taking her robe off. I kissed down to her chest. Why you have to tease me. I moaned. Her hands met my shoulders, rubbing on my back. I pulled my pants down.

Wrapping her arms around my neck, she kissed my chest. Sliding myself in, we stared deeply into each other eyes. I gasp at her wetness around my dick. Take it. I moaned. Kissing her neck. Michael! She whispered. Oh yeah. I moaned. Does feel go...ood? She struggle to say. It does, baby it does. Kissing her ear, I used my thumb to rub her clitoris. Michael! She held me tighter. Mhmmmm. She cried. Kissing her lips. I want you to cum inside of me, Michael. She moaned. Tilting her head back. I sucked her neck. Holding on to the table and her body. I went deeper and faster. Aghh. She moaned at every stroke. Baby, slow down. She whine. Scratching my back. I couldn't slow down. Her juices flowed on my dick, while her walls began to tighten. You're about to cum, aren't you? I moaned. Mhm mhm. She moaned. I went faster, my hips thrust into hers making clap noises. Michael, Michael. She cried, the noise of the smoke detector start to sound off. Before releasing myself into her. We both sat there laughing. Before I rushed into the kitchen taking the food off the stove. We laughed again.

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