manami sangaku x onoda sakamichi: promise

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"See you at the next Inter-High, Sakamichi-kun! I promise I'll be there and we will race again."

Onoda's POV
6:39 am.. Friday?
I was planning to visit Manami-kun since he got hospitalized, but I can't get off my bed..
Manami-kun's gift, my water, my phone, my jacket.. done!
I took a quick bath after packing my stuff, and get dressed.
I quickly grabbed my bag, and head off with my road racer, since my city bike is broken.
"Take care, Sakamichi!"
My mom shouted while I was on the way to the Hospital
I listened to Love Hime so it can lighten my mood. Until I heard Naruko's voice
"Hey, hey Onoda! Where ya going?"
"Well, uhm.. I'm gonna visit my friend at the Hospital"
"Oh! Well take care then!"
"Thanks Naruko-kun! You too!"
The hospital is pretty far from here so it might take awhile..
While I was riding my bike, I felt hungry so I ate at a restaurant near me. My stomach is growling so bad I need more food!
But I remember,
I need to visit Manami-kun!

Manami's POV
Sakamichi-kun, where are you?
I keep on looking through the window, checking if Sakamichi was there, so I decided to text him.


manami-kun!! i'll be
there!!! just waitt!!

alright, hehe!  see you then

Sigh, I don't even know if he can make it.
Whatever, I'll just wait for him, anytime.
I sat at my hospital bed,
and readed my book
I wonder where Sakamichi-kun is..
I'm really worried,
But I can wait.
I need to wait for him
I want to see him again
Before its too late.
"Ah, Sangaku!"
I heard that high-pitched voice at my door.
It was Miyahara (Class Rep)
"I-I bought this for you, I hope your feeling a-alright!"
"Ah, for me? Thank you class rep"
"A-anyways I should be going now.. I have some work to do.."
"Ah, is that so? Take care class rep!"
She closed the door
I was expecting that it was Sakamichi-kun.
But she bought me food so its alright.
I can finally read my book peacefully again.
But where is Sakamichi-kun..?
I stood up to check my window
but suddenly
I can't see anything.
My vision is all black.
Help me
I don't know what to do!
Damn it!
I can't breathe properly too.
Sakamichi-kun, why aren't you here yet..?

Onoda's POV
Ah, finally! I have arrived! I can finally give him his gift!
I went inside and asked;
"U-um excuse m-me.. Do you know w-what room did Manami Sangaku stayed a-at?"
"Oh! Sangaku.. Room 538"
I rushed to the elevator because of excitement
What will Manami-kun will say about my gift? Will he like it?"
*elevator ding*
I'm at the 5th floor, finding Room 538
I got confused so I looked around
and I finally saw it!
Yosh! Its my chance!"
I went inside, but the doctor and the nurses are inside of his room.
I dropped my gift, and never spoke again
Manami-kun.. You're joking, right?
Is it?
I ended up watching the nurses defribillating him
Its just a dream, right?
I'm not hallucinating, right?
I guess its too late.
Manami-kun, why?
I-I'm sorry!
I'm sorry if i didn't make it in time.
Y-you promised me that we will race again at the next Inter-High
I didn't want this to happen.
Manami-kun, I'm really sorry.

a/n: ik iz sad but idk why i made this jsjahshsshhdh
i was bored dont @ me

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