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Jennie Ruby Jane Kim

She is the most popular and she rule the whole university ,she is also a leader of a group called Infinity that has a lot of members , the hot babe of the campus and also known as the playgirl , she have everything that she wanted , because of her Middle class status that can support everything she needed

Lalisa Manoban

She is a rich ass cool kid that came from Thailand , she transferred at this university because her parents decided to settle in Korea for the expansion of their business , she is also a smart and active in class but she never thought she will fall for Jennie's lies

It's been the first month of the class , Jennie and her friends are seating at the cafeteria and having a talk and also messing up with their friends

"it's such a boring day again Erg i hate going to school" Irene said and Jisoo agreed with her

A few moments later Jennie arrive with the girls , Sana , Wendy , Momo

"Hey bitches what's up?" Jennie said and she sat at the table with them

" You owe us a fucking dare Jennie , you left us at the party last night without even doing that dare " Jisoo groan and they all smiled with a grinned

"What the heck ? why would i even do your fucking dare , those are silly shits " Jennie beamed and she smirk at them

"We already talk about the dare , and if you wanted to escape about it well i'm afraid to say sorry bitch we can't do that "chaeyoung said and they all giggles

" Right fine what is it now? tell me about it " Jennie exclaimed in almost a pissed tone

"Do you see that cool kid seating alone there? , what's her name again? . Oh yeah Lisa " Nayeon said "your dare is to make her fall for you , but we bet you can't do that shit that one is a new kid" she added challenging Jennie

"Do you wanna have a bet with me ?" Jennie replied as she stared at Lisa " Okay let's have a bet, i will make her fall for me but in return if i accomplish it Leave me alone with that fucking dares , this will gonna be the last and i will finish this shit " Jennie added and she frown at them

"Deal, It's a bet you can start now " They exclaimed and throwing Jennie a laugh

"fck me , Like right now ?" Jennie ask and they all nodded


" This bet is pretty sick , they wanted me to made that stranger fall for me well that was easy" i said to my mind while waking my way to That girl named Lisa

i went to her and i sat beside her and i can saw how shock she is

"Hi there! , I'm Jennie " i said approaching her to a hand shake

"Lisa, Yeah i already know you they said you're the campus hot babe which is a can say true " she said with a grin smile on her face

"So are you new here? , where are you from?" I ask here and she turn her face on me

"Yeah i am , I'm from Thailand actually" She said and she tapped her side for me to seat with her

"We are at the same class remember?, can you teach me about our calculus lesson, i really don't get it " i said the fact which is true

"Sure , wanna go to my place for a tutor after class?" she ask and i nodded at her

"Okay, Sounds good and by the way do you have something to do later too?" I ask her and she look at me

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