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It's a Saturday morning and such a bright and nice day to start with a coffee But Jennie on the other hand still bother with feelings with the New Kid


i woke up early because my feelings been bothering me since last night , ugh fuck why does i always feel like that whenever I'm with Lisa . she always make me feel like there are butterflies in my stomach and i feel like my heart is pounding then i'm with her.

It's 7 am and i got a call from Sana

"Yah what is it? ... it's still so early why did you call me ?" i yelled as i stood up to prepare my clothes before i took a bath

"You dumb ass , where the fuck are you ? ... You forgot already it's Yeri's birthday and there will be a massive party This lunch until midnight... are you coming or not ? " she ask and I think for a second to make an excuse for me not to come with that silly party

"I can't ... I'm having dinner with my parents this evening " i reason out and i heard a long pause at the other line

"Okay then hurry up and stay until afternoon ... don't worry no hard drinks just booze and juice are in the house " she said and she cut off the line before i can say a word

fuck i know they won't let me stay until afternoon but we have a dinner , maybe they won't mind if i have Lisa with me to accompany me at the party

i called Lisa and i feel so guilty because it's still early to bug someone from her sleep

"Hi" i heard she answered with her hoarse and husky voice

"Hello? are you already up? sorry for bothering you " i apologize and i heard her chuckle

"Yeah , i just woke up and taking some breakfast how about you ?" she ask and i scratch my nape

"I just want to ask if you want to come with me at a party today ?" i ask and i head a pause at the line

"Yeah it's fine , what time is it ?" she response

"right now? , i mean maybe at 8 or 9 ... whenever you're free today " i said and i heard her giggles

"Fine Nini i will be there at 8 let me just finish my breakfast and take a bath " she said and we bid our goodbye

What did she call me ? I fell that my heart is fluttering as i heard her Calling me Nini , okay Jennie you're insane stop it .

i went down stairs to eat before taking a bath

"Good morning Sweetie ... Are you going out with your girlfriend?" Mom ask me that made me choke from my meal

"Mom We're not together , please stop it i feel embarrassed whenever you call Lisa My girlfriend " i said and they chuckle

"What's that ? ... Well Me and your mom Like Lisa she seems nice and kind and from what we saw at her car she is really is came from a wealthy family huh ?" dad continued while she is shoving his food

" Aish whatever dad , Just let Lisa in and told her to wait for me ... please don't make her uncomfortable for me " i remind them before going upstairs to took a bath

i took a bath and brush my teeth , i heard her car outside so i hurriedly wore my clothes on and it took me 15 more minutes before i finally came out from my room , one Last thing i spray some Chanel perfume to finish up

i walk out of my room and i heard their giggles from down stairs , They really like her specially dad

"Hey ? ... ready to go ?" she ask and i nod at her

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