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it's been 3 months after Jennie give birth to a two healthy twins the baby boy named Leo Louis and the baby girl named Ella Jane , Lisa took a break from her work as a doctor but whenever the hospital got trouble she went back to fix it and she regularly visiting the hospital and the company , while Jennie did the same too, she visited the firm although it can work without her 

they are facing the really challenge of becoming a parent , but sometimes they had a break because Lisa's parents and Jennie's parents wanted to have a bond with the little babies

"Jen.. wake up Leo and Ella are crying i don't know that to do anymore" Lisa stood up looking so exhausted than before 

"Babe , just go grab the  feeding bottle and feed the babies .. i'm so tired and my chest feels like there's nothing left going to feed the babies anymore" she exclaimed while her eyes are still close 

Lisa manage to carry the babies at her right and left arms while making them calm , while Jennie decided to stood up to make some milk for the babies 

they both look like a mess , and they figured out that having a parent Life is really a fucking tiring 

"Baby Ella and baby Leo , please don't cry now , momma wanted to take a nap now and me and mommy are so tired please baby huhuhuhu" Lisa said and she manage to take care of the babies 

after Jennie came back with two feeding bottles , she sat at the bed beside Lisa , she carry Ella at her arms and they feed the babies as they sing them a lullaby 

as soon as the babies fall asleep they still manage to sway their arms preventing not to wake up the babies , Jennie Lean her head at Lisa's shoulder and Lisa found it cute

"Being a parent is so tiring , but the babies are so cute " Lisa said and they both giggles 

"Yeah, haven't you remember our first encounter .. it's so far from our life now don't you think?" Jennies look at her and they stared at each other 

"i don't know but .. maybe i should thank your friends from that bet , if it's not with that bet i wasn't gonna met you and have this two cute babies .. i love you Jennie" Lisa said as she was looking at the bare face of her baby

"I love you too Lisa .. and this kids too , i can't wait for them to grow and go to school" Jennie lean a kiss at her checks and they giggles 

"I miss your body too, can i ? please just tonight?" Lisa pout like a kid and Jennie shook her head 

"Babe i can't i'm tired and what if this baby cried when we're at the middle of making love , calm your hormones as if you didn't fuck me while i'm pregnant with the twins.. and I'm sorry if i got moody when i was pregnant with our babies " Jennie said and they put the baby at the crib 

"it's fine babe , you look cute tho" Lisa place a kiss at her forehead  

it's 1 am and they manage to take care of the baby , after the baby fall asleep they both went back at the bed to sleep too

a few hours past by and the babies started crying again , it's now 4 am in the morning and they both woke up to take the baby again 

"Aish .. i haven't sleep that much yet , i feel like my whole body is giving up " Lisa said as she Carry Ella now while Jennie is carrying Leo 

"i feel dizzy and i wanted to sleep , gosh this babies are so loud " Jennie said and she is about to cry now too 

it's a Sunday morning and they decided to bring the babies at the mansion to see Lisa's parents 

after they arrive , Lisa and Jennie sat at the couch carrying the babies and when Lisa's parents came they sigh non- stop 

"Oh my gosh this baby is so cute.. Hi Leo you Look Like Momma Lisa " Lisa's mom exclaimed and they giggles 

Lisa's dad is holding the baby girl Ella and he look so happy to be with her grand daughter 

"Hello baby Ella you look so beautiful , You look like Jennie huh , why so cute " Lisa 's dad said as they sway the baby 

the couple lay at the couch and in split seconds they both fall asleep , Jennie is leaning at Lisa's chest while Lisa is hugging her at her arms 

they feel so tired and wanting to just sleep the whole day

"Yah , look at the two .. maybe they are having a hard time taking care of the babies they look like a mess as they arrive " Lisa's mom whispered at her dad and they both giggles

"I haven't imagine that our daughter will be this responsible at her child , she deserves to take a nap i know the both of them haven't sleep since last night .. Bambam called her and she said she'll hang up because the baby is started crying again" they both giggles and they manage to take care of the babies while the two couples are asleep 


Jennie and i went at the mansion to ask for a little help with the  babies , i ask her if she wanted to stay for a week at the mansion but she refuse too , because she said she don't want us to be burden at my parents 

i woke up and we are still at the couch , Jennie is still asleep and i saw the babies taking care by Gabby and Bambam as soon as they notice at i'm awake they smiled widely 

Jennie on the other hand got awake too , we slept for almost 6 hours now gosh i didn't notice the time 

"Yah... Noona This Little boy is so cute can i have it? please" He pouted at me and i shook my head stubbornly 

"No .. that's mine you should make your own beside's you will be engaged soon right? " i stick out my tongue and annoyed him 

"Unnie .. look at this Little girl , she is so cute and beautiful " my sister said and i saw her wide smile 

Jennie and i giggles and i pulled her closer to me 

"Don't you think we should stay here for a week? .. please babe?" i pout at her and she shook her head 

my mom and dad came by and they sat at the couch with us , they smiled at us and look worried because they said Jennie and i already look like pale and our eye bags are too much dark , we look like dead people they said

"Seems  like the both of you are having a hard time with the babies , you both look like a mess now.. why don't you guys stayed here at the mansion for a moment? we're willing to take care of your baby " Mom said and i look at Jennie 

"And besides , they are too cute and we wanted to spend time with them " Bambam added and Jennie and i nodded at the same time 

"We were thinking that before but we don't want to be a burden to you guys" I said and they carefully listening at me 

"Don't think of  that  , i are willing to take care of the babies .. so stay for a moment here get your self some sleep and eat well , you guys look like a mess" mom said and we all giggles 

"right then , we will be staying .. i will just going back at the penthouse to get some things for us and the baby " i said and i stood up 

i lean a kiss at Jennie and we pulled of right away , i wave them goodbye before getting back at my car 

it's so nice having a good life like this , the babies became our strength and i love my wife and our babies 

i can't wait for them to grew up and played with our friends kids 

speaking of the jerks , Jisoo got replace and became a Part of jerks too 

they called me every day almost crying because they couldn't handle their wife anymore , their due date is near so their wife are much more moody and delicate to handle 

i never picture my self having this good life at all , the hard work paid off and i'm so lucky that i met Jennie because of that bet 



Hello guys the last chapter will be Epilouge hihi 

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