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after the kids reach 2 years old Jennie and Lisa decided to buy a mansion for them , because they know that the penthouse will be two small for them to live on . it's been 6 years now since the kids were born , and the Jerks and their wife's have their kids too, they have a little bonding every Saturday and the Leo and Ella slept at Lisa's parents or Jennie's parents at Sunday evening 

A lot of things change , Lisa became the president of doctors and also the hospital is at her name now , and the Company got expanded in Us and Asia that made Lisa more busy as before , but she manage to take care of the kids and not forgetting her duty as a mother to them , While Jennie became a Judge of a court , and still owning the firm , and they got announce as the top 8 most wealthy person in South Korea 

Lisa is sitting at the couch with Jennie while staring at the kids , the kids are at the mini play ground at their back yard , they both smiled as they saw the kids giggling in joy 

"Eomma , when Does Sean Rile  , Yeon Min , and Soo Anne coming? .. we want  to play with them they said they will bring their toys with them" Leo ask Them as the kids clung at their Mother's arms  

Sean Rile is the son of Irene and Seulgi , while Yeon Min is daughter of Neyeon and Jungyeon , Soo Anne is the  daughter of Jisoo and Rose' .. they are all at the same age of Ella and Leo 

"Baby , they will be coming today , and please be careful at playing , you two might hurt each other if you're that clumsy " Lisa said as she shrugged the head of the little boy , the same with Ella 

The little once's went back at playing , and Lisa snake her hands at Jennie's waist 

"They will be here at any minute , i think the Jerks are late again" Lisa said as she kiss Jennie's neck 

"The kids might see us babe , we can do this tomorrow night" Jennie moaned and as Lisa travel her hands at inside Jennie's shirt to her breast 

"They wont mind .. beside's they are playing at the play ground , we can play here too" Lisa whispered at her earlobes and few moments later the door bell ring 

"Fucking bitches " Jennie mutter as she rolled her eyes 

Lisa just chuckle and Peck a kiss before getting the door 

as they open the door , the 3 families when inside , the kids are running their way at the play ground with their back packs , while the parents greet each other 

they all seating at the couch as they looking at the kids playing at the backyard , they are having a little chitchat and laughing at each others story

"My little boy and your Leo having a great bond huh.. He always wanted me to drag him here to play with them aren't they cute " the Seulrene  couples exclaimed and they chuckle 

"Yeah my daughter said Auntie Lisa and Jennie is so rich why would me and Rose' are so broke because we can't build her a play ground " Jisoo said and they giggles

"My daughter said they want to Live with her friends here at this mansion , so she will not be away with them everyday " Jungyeon blurted and they all laugh 

"They are so cute ... Look at them i haven't imagine us having this cute little babies" Jennie said and they agreed with her

"Sean wanted a little sister , he said he wanted to talk care of her sister and Irene and i we're planing on having a Second child" Seulgi happily said and they nodded 

"Jisoo and I planning to settle at Australia , but we're having a problem with Anne , she said she don't want to leave Korea because her friends is here " Rose' said and and they made an awe expression 

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