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It's almost dark and Lisa decided to left the company to get going to fetch Jennie at her place , she seems so excited of having dinner with Jennie as she remember  Jennie didn't Like fancy dinners but she is having second thoughts running thru my head , what if everything that she used to like already change ? 

She drive and went straightly at Jennie's place , she recall the moments where she always went there and as she reach the place , the house became bigger than before. A lot of things changes as years past by , And also the streets change too . having a lot of establishments and stores along it , Lisa park her car outside their house and reach for the door bell , she look at her watch and Just in time it turns 7 Pm

few more moments the door open revealing Jennie wearing a coat under her coat is an over size Chanel shirt  a sweat pants and some Adidas sneakers at her toes

While Lisa is wearing a coat too , a Hoodie under it and a black jeans , on her toes are Balenciaga triple S Sneakers  

"Are you ready ? " Lisa ask and Jennie nod at her , they went at the car and Lisa open the door for her like she used to do back then 

"So a fancy one or the One that we used to do before?" Lisa ask as she steal glance at her inserting her keys at the hole

"I will still pick the one that we used to do , there's a lot  of things to ate there " Jennie said wiggling her brows 

"Okay then .. Buckle of and we will be off now " Lisa started the engine and they drove off

They reach the night market Just in time we're the place are filled with peoples eating , and walking 

"I miss this place gosh " Lisa exclaimed in union as she grabs Jennie's hands , Jennie on the other hands felt her heart fluttering and pounding

"It's cold tonight , so i want to keep your hands warm for the night" Lisa said as she turned at her with  A sweet smile plastered at her face 

They went at the stall to tried different foods 

they first went at the stall that sells Spicy rice cake , Lisa bought for them and she feed Jennie Like a kid 

"It's fine Lisa ... i have my hands i can eat with my own " Jennie said as she chew the food and swallowing it 

"I just want to feed you , You're cute " Lisa said making Jennie blush from her statement 

After they finish at the first stall they went at the different stall trying everything that they can

"Look there's fish cakes , hey let's go there" Lisa said pulled Jennie's hands with her and they started eating again , Jennie felt an odd feeling , She felt butterfly's at her stomach as she saw How Lisa smiled at her as they both giggles 

"I want that too" Lisa pointing at the other stall as they shifted again 

"Ugh ... it's so good I'm so full " Lisa motioned and they chuckle 

and they end up buying some drinks as they finish eating 

they are walking along they way of the streets , and they decided to sit for a moment when they felt their legs are already hurting 

Lisa is still holding Her hands she face her and smiled at her face

"Do you still remember this? " Lisa ask her and Jennie faced her looking directly thru her eyes 

"How can i forget? ... it's one of the best moment of my life ever " She response as she rub her thumb at the back of Lisa's hands 

"I haven't had this for 6 years , i really miss it Including the person" Lisa utter and she turn her gaze at Jennie 

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