First impressions

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The early morning dew settled on the extensive lawn and a few traces of fog still hung in the air. Hester, Anadil and Dot trekked down the drive way, their taxi had managed to get lost a mile back so after a few choice words from Hester they decided to make their own way to the manor, lugging Anadil's heavy kit and Dot's type writer with them.  The landscape seemed almost serene until the chain of unorganised police cars came into view, randomly parked around the lavish house. Junior officers were fanning the grounds 'searching'  for evidence, no doubt anything they did find would be damaged or disregarded. The three detectives immediately knew who was in charge of the case. 

"Now, you two remember what I said?" the shortest of the three questioned, walking backwards to face the other two. 

"You say a lot of things," muttered the tallest woman, her ruby eyes rolling into the back of her head, "I stopped paying attention a long time go."

"Someone has just died, so you can't just barge in threatening people." Dot contemplated whether it was really worth it after countless failed attempts.  

"We're not monsters, Dot." The tattooed detective pushed her hat off her brow to get a better look at the now infamous Caerleon manor house. Not too long ago it was plastered over papers with headlines about Arthur Pendragons sudden death and then his new heirs inheritance. It was hardly a fair deal Hester thought to herself as she entered the building.

Now the house would make headlines for a third time. 

Another death, but this time a murder.

Once inside the three detectives went straight to work. "Ani, check out the scene of the crime, I want all the details before any of these halfwits get their hands on the body. Dot, get rid of these cops they'll only interfere. I'll check out the suspects."  

Anadil hurried up the grand staircase to the master bedroom, passing gossiping officers on the way. "I bet it's that Hort fella, come to take Sophie away. Y'know like in the pictures." 

"More likely one of the brothers, after all the cash, or revenge."

Meanwhile, Dot, being the only one willing to talk to people, went to the detective in charge. "Chief Lesso, can I call you Aric? Never been too good at formalities." 

A fierce man towering over Dot spun around to see the short woman with a hint of familiarity. His brow creased as he tried to match her to a name or event but it was useless "Like hell you can. What do you want?" he snapped, a strand of raven hair hung over his violet eyes that had a dangerous glint, which Dot always picked up on. "Press ain't allowed in here." 

"Private detective Dorothy Sheriff," she held out  her hand but he didn't take it, instead sneering at her. "We've been hired to take the case from here . You can order all of your goons out." Dot flashed her sickliest smile, pleased to take yet another a case from this corrupt bully. 

"Why would anyone hire you witches?" Aric took note as Dot's eyes shifted to someone behind him. He instinctively turned to see a black haired woman in a long, open trench coat, obscuring part of her familiar tattoo. His muscles tensed at the sight of Hester, his old partner. (I mean work partners before people start)

"Because we look at all the suspects not just the poor ones that can't afford a bribe. Dot, I need you to come take notes." Hester said curtly before nodding towards the study door. 

"Five minutes, everyone out." Dot demanded not half as intimidating as Hester but Aric still reluctantly obeyed. He grabbed a passing officer by the scruff of his shirt, whispering something in his ear before storming out. 


Everyone from the household was gathered in the study. Japeth sat with such authority in his brothers chair, his nails dug into the arms of the chair as he glared daggers at Tedros who stood across the room, leaning against the mantle of the fireplace. The blonde returned the looks, the only thing holding him back was Agatha's firm grip on his upper arm. Sophie leaned elegantly against the antique desk exactly how she would when her husband was still alive. However, now she made sure to keep her distance from the man that now sat behind her. She was gently dabbing her eyes with an embroidered silk handkerchief, part of a Parisian set she would often brag about.

"You better stop pointing the finger, Rogers." The oak door swung open and Kei marched in shortly followed by Hort and the tension in the room increased dramatically.

"All I'm saying is it seems an awful lot like you're hidin' sumin'."

The two were now standing nose to nose anger at boiling point, fists clenching, ready for a fight but before either could act a gravelly voice silenced them "Shut it will you! No one cares about your bickering."  Japeth was the only one capable of ending most disputes as an air of intimidation always followed him, the lack of knowledge about his past only added to people's fear and at a time like this, suspicion. Everyone knew it was only a matter of time before the finger pointed to him.

"Your brothers dead," Agatha commented in disbelief, now the one needing to be held back. "You should want to hear every shred of evidence, every trace of a clue that could lead to the killer." Her natural instinct started to kick in.

 Agatha had never been a lawyer, even though many people thought that would be the best path for her, but she knew as much as a lawyer maybe even more from her time spent protesting and campaigning. She knew how the law worked and the injustices that often took place and she was not prepared to let Japeth manipulate this murder to suit him. 

"He knew the risks," was all the remaining twin had to say moments before two detectives entered the room, a sharp contrast from any others they had seen around the house.

"Shift," Hester gestured for Japeth to move as her eyes scanned over the other people in the room.

"I'm sorry? You walk into my house with no authority and speak to me like that." Japeth had a dark menacing look in his eye, some may even say murderous, all for a single word.

 The power words could carry.

"I think you'll find its hers." Hester pointed to the one person not paying attention, too caught up fixing her mascara that had started to run. Yes, she was mourning but she has to look good doing it.

"Read the will." He spat.

"I did."

Behind Hester, Dot tried not to laugh as the stubborn man got up to lean against the furthest bookshelf. Hester took note of his distance from Tedros and everyone else. Everyone seemed to have a feud with someone, apart from Sophie. Or was she just good at hiding it?

"Mind if I smoke?" A tall, well built man next to the long windows broke the tense silence.

"And you are?"

"Kei, Kei Fox."

"Sure thing." He seemed nervous, but not in a way that a murder would, Hester was very familiar with that and he'd have cracked by now if that was the case. It was more like he had a secret to hide and now Rhian was dead he had to hide it for two.

Kei pushed the window open letting the cold breeze flood the room and then redirected his attention to the detective.

"The case of Rhian Pendragon's death has been transferred to us following an anonymous request, meaning Chief Lesso-" Hester eyed everyone for a response and immediately got the one she wanted.

"What?" Japeth was suddenly very interested in what Hester had to say. It quickly became clear to her that this man had a short temper. She'd have fun testing that.

"Oh cut the gas, Japeth." A dark haired man said, sounding very fed up. He was standing a few feet away from Sophie in a defensive manner with his back to Kei. "Hort." he informed the detectives. 

Hester wasn't interested in any petty arguments, she had seen a thousand family feuds and nine times out of ten they were of no significance to her investigation.

"We'll start interviews later today." She got up to leave but then paused in the doorway, Dot close behind scribbling into a notepad. "One last thing, we're private detectives so we don't have protocols or rules to follow. I suggest you don't try to hide anything because you'll get more than a few nights in a cell." The two detectives then departed to find their partner.

"You just couldn't help yourself could you." Dot quipped.

"I don't know what you mean." Hester glanced down at her colleague and friend, a grin creeping onto her face "I thought I was being quite nice."

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