For The Sacred Dance

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And I danced as if there were no gravity -
as if there were no single dancer before me,
following the rhythms of Gaia,
and calling in the power of my ancient ancestors.
And I danced as if I never put aside my wings
along with trillions of golden serpent rings,
drawing myriads of spirals,
and moving along the invisible serpentine.
And I danced as if there were nothing and nobody
in multiverses, perceived as real and imaginary,
giving birth to pure creation,
and giving praise to one and only Creator.
And I danced as if I connected to all elements,
making no sense of judgments and sentiments,
falling into the void of sounds,
vibrating within and outside of my perceptions.
And I danced in one accord with the geometry -
as if there were no division into space and my body,
reclaiming divine union with Source,
and anchoring Its light in every photon of my being.
And I danced from the very core of my purity -
with the innocent spontaneity and solid maturity,
reigniting the innate fire of passion,
and remembering to be in now and then dancing.

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