Double Date

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The next morning...

Auri•° 12:30pm

We had all woken up about a hour ago and were just lounging around. My mom had been blowing me up asking where I was and to call her immediately.

I simply told her I woke up early to hang with Brooke for a few hours but that still wasn't enough. So I continued to ignore her.

"What's for breakfast?" Brooke asked adjusting her pillow.

"Wake and Bake, come on." Des said getting up.

We got up and followed him out back where Nigel was. I sat down in the chair and enjoyed the wind that came every now and then as the sun kissed my skin.

I watched as Nigel rolled up two blunts as Des did the same. I was confused as to why there were four blunts but I guess they were saving some for later.

"Y'all wanna hit?" Des asked looking between us two.

"Ummm, sure." I said uncertained. I never smoked before so I didn't know what the outcome would be.

"I'm down for whatever."

"Alright gyals, mi go first. Just do as wi do." Nigel said. 

We watched him inhale the smoke and hold it in before exhaling shortly after. Didn't seem that hard.

"Here, one for y'all and one for us." Des said passing us a blunt nicely rolled and a lighter.

"Alright." I said as I gave it a try. I inhaled the smoke and started coughing. I think I inhaled too much.

Brooke started patting my back as I passed it to her.

"You good? The more you cough the higher you get."

I shook my head and cleared my throat. The shit hit back and now my throat and chest was burnin.

"Ooouu shit!" Brooke yelled as she started coughing too patting her chest.

We kept smoking and eventually got use to it and I was feeling too good.

"Yo this shit got me feeling numb." Brooke said laughing.

We all started laughing at her and I couldn't stop. I leaned over holding my stomach as Des passed over the second blunt we were all on. I grabbed it and took a long pull from it.

We finished the blunt and decided to head back in the house. Nigel tripped over air and we all started laughing again.

"This nigga." Des said shaking his head.

"How yuh gyals feel?" Nigel asked as we sat down in the kitchen.

"Hungry as shit." Brooke stated.

I nodded my head agreeing. We didn't eat breakfast and I become hungry as hell.

"Y'all got the fuckin munchies." Des said laughing.

"What do you guys want to do today?" Brooke asked as she strolled through her phone.

"Pan a date." Nigel said.

"Double date it is then. It's almost 2 o'clock now so we can start getting dressed to head out now."

"Alright where the bathrooms at?"

"Get y'all stuff so we can show you."


We were all dressed and ready to go after a hour. We were all able to take our showers at once since they had multiple bathrooms in the house so no one had to wait and take turns.

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