Summer Vibes

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I was happy as hell to be done with this weeks inventory and connects. Man was I drained but all our supplies were stocked, boxed up and ready to be sold and shipped. I had more labels for shipping in stock, small, medium, and large bags for the corner boys to bag the drugs in, the whole nine. This wasn't no ordinary trap house.

I checked a few of the inventory list left by some of the boys to make sure everything was checked off and signed. I was happy with all the hard work everyone put in and for that they would get a extra cut.

I made my way to the elevator and passed some of the guys who were still working on stocking and inventory as they operated heavy machines.

Once I got in I did a once over of everything and pressed the number 1 button to go back up. The inventory was at in the basement of the warehouse. It was the largest room and had the most space so why not use it?

"Alright guys quick meeting come on!" I said as everyone came closer.

"Inventory is full and stocked. We put in hard work this week, y'all did good. It's still work to be done though. But y'all get a extra cut for getting this weeks work done and out the way. My corner boys should be ready to go tonight with no problems. I expect nothing less. Y'all will be selling twice as usual and I expect y'all to come back with nothing but money. Me and Nigel out but will be back tonight." I told them looking around at all the men that stood before me.

"Tanks boss, you got it, and see yuh latah" was heard through out the room as everyone got back to work.

They never gave me any problems other than fighting with one another every now and then but that was usual for them. They knew my uncle didn't play and if he wanted a bullet through one of they heads for stepping out of line, then so be it.

"So wah di move? Tryna hit up di beach? tink Laura get a party gwaan at Hellshire inna few" Nigel said as we walked out the building.

"Sounds like a plan. You heard from Brooke?" I asked him as my mind drifted to Auri.

I haven't spoke to her since last week. I forgot about us chillen but I'll see if she wanna come through to party with us. I'm sure Laura already sent a invite though.

"Not since we last seen dem. I was gonna invite her to di beach"

"Shit, same. Lets head out."



"Oouu bitch what you think about this one?" Brooke asked showing me a cute bright red one piece swimsuit.

It had a lot of open space for her to show plenty of skin.

"That's hella cute. You gone get it?" I asked looking at her.

"Yup, it's cheap too. Which one you getting?"

"I'm not sure yet probably both" I replied looking at the blue 2 piece set and the black and gold 2 piece set I grabbed.

"They both cute, ima pick me up a few more swimsuits too for the summer" she said going through the rack of swimsuits.

I did the same and before we knew it we had over 5 sets each.

"What time is the party again?" I asked Brooke as we purchased our items.

"Mmmm around three. It's 1:12pm so we have a little time to get ready. The beach is only 10 minutes away from us" she said as she grabbed the bags from the cashier.

"I'm ready to head out. I can't wait to get in the water and just have fun." i said swiping my card through the card machine to pay for my things.

"Here yuh go miss, ave a gud day" the cashier said handing me my receipt and bags. I thanked her and we made our way out the store.

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