Coolin Off

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It was Sunday now and me and Brooke were currently at Laura's house in the pool talking about random things. She invited us over because she said we should all hang out more now that school was out.

"I don't know how that works but I like it when girls do it. It just feels good, y'all should really try it." Laura said talking about her experience with girls.

We were on the topic of what sex feels like and Laura was telling it all.

"Ummm hard pass. Rather my first time be with a guy." Brooke said sipping on her juice.

"Yeaahh, me too. I would want my first time to be nice and slow, and with a man that knows what he's doing." I told them smiling.

"I guess, women do it better. But enough about that.." Laura trailed off looking at Brooke.

"Uh-huh I'm not down." Brooke said shaking her head at Laura.

"What are you talking about?" I asked her laughing.

"I'm not going to ask you anything about sex or me and you. Atleast not yet boo." Laura said laughing at Brooke.

"But I wanna know what happened at the party Friday cause I was upstairs with this girl when I heard yelling and came down to a fuckin fight."

"Well long story short, Kia started the shit. She purposely interrupted what me and Des were doing, she started her bullshit again about him cheating on her with me, he got mad and left. She said some shit too about he only liking me cause I'm a virgin I told her get over it and that she's lose and I went outside cause I was mad and then heard the fight going." I said getting everything out in one breath.

"And I whopped the bitch ass. I'm sorry about the glass and the table though girl I'll replace it." Brooke spoke up.

"I made Kia replace it already don't worry about it. That bitch owes me her damn life." Laura said rolling her eyes.

"I thought y'all was bestfriends what happened?" Brooke asked.

I wanted to know what happened too. They were inseparable in grade school and most of highschool until the middle of Junior year and senior year.

I grabbed my bottle of coke and sat on the stairs in the pool soaking a little bit.

"We were really close and she was one of the first girls I experienced with. We were messing around alot like everyday or every other day."

"Kissing, foreplay, the whole nine. Then she met Desmond and started being distance which was fine I wasn't mad or jealous she had a boyfriend but we were still friends."

"This bitch told me she was pregnant by some dude she cheated on Desmond with and asked if I could come over. So when i get there I see Desmond pull up the same time I do and y'all, this shit went left so fast." She said hitting her fist in her hand.

"So I'm nervous like did she call him over here too? Or did he just pop up out of nowhere?" she said and my eyes got big.

"So what happened next?" Brooke asked slurping on her drink making us laugh.

"So he like what's up Laura and I was like uuhh just chillin, what you doing here? he said he came to check on my girl."

"I'm like of course. So we knock on the door and she opened it up and smiled when she seen me but that shit dropped when she seen him. I said I didn't know he'd be here otherwise I would of just came later on to talk. You know tryna play it off cause he like right there nigga." She said shaking her head.

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