Dead Birds and Clipped Wings

445 14 7
  • Dedicated to Mackenzie L.


Effie's heels click and echo throughout the long corridor as she slowly lead Katniss to the outdoor square. Sadness enveloped all who saw them, even those who were against the girl. As the two neared the dread double doors, with tear-filled eyes, Effie said, "You deserved so much better." She then hugged Katniss tightly and handed her off to the Peacekeepers guarding the doors. The Peacekeepers put the girl in shackles and lead her through the doors and up a small set of stairs. Katniss noticed the light shining on the stairs growing bigger and bigger, and she knows she is nearing her end.

Within seconds of stepping out into the square, Katniss felt the hateful eyes of Snow beaming down on her. The Peacekeepers brought Katniss to a small X in the middle of the stage and knock her to her knees. President Snow shoots the girl an evil grin and opens his mouth to begin his speech. "Today, we will bring Katniss Everdeen to her death. A rebel. The Mockingjay. May no one grieve this wicked girl's death." Snow announced. Two avoxes arrived with a small red velvet pillow holding a gun and single bullet help securely with a white ribbon tied into a perfect bow. Snow then slowly unraveled the ribbon, put the bullet in the gun, and walked behind Katniss. "Today will mark history! Today I clip the Mockingjay's wings!" He pressed the gun to the girl's head and pulled the trigger. The Mockingjay is dead. Her wings have been clipped. It is finished.


edit: wowwww I wrote this over two years ago and it is so bad 😂😂 I'm just gonna pretend like I never wrote this ok bye

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