ix; mischief night

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MISCHIEF NIGHT, otherwise known as Devil's Night, happened to be Juliette's favourite night of the year.

     Juliette stopped pulling extravagant practical jokes after her time at Eichen as for people not to view her as even more abnormal as they already viewed her. She didn't mind the rumours about her so much, sure, but she wasn't unbothered enough to go to extreme lengths to perpetuate their defective idea of her.

     Before that, it was thoroughly amusing. Back in her old school, they would stick fake cockroaches to the school staff's desks, as well as fake corpses mannequins that looked like humans when the lights were off. It was the one annual night in which the adults would simply let the teenagers pull harmless pranks for laughs. Stiles, of course, was notorious for pulling them on Coach yearly.

     This year, however, happened to be different.

Police and FBI's showed up midway through the lunch break. As soon as Juliette saw a glimpse of the police entering the high school, she called Stiles to ask where he was, and made her way to the empty hallway near the locker room to find him. Much to her surprise, he didn't pull the usual 'I don't want to get you involved because my dad would get mad' crap. Juliette wondered if it was a little too late for her, and that one step into the rabbit hole and she won't be able to get back up again.

      Stiles opened his locker, sneakily taking rolls of toilet paper out of his bag and placing it into his locker hastily before anyone could see. When she approached him, she heaved a sigh. "What are you up to?"

      "Oh, hey." He turned to her. "What do you think would make Principal Carlson more mad; TP'ing his office, or egging his office door?"

      Juliette thoughtfully stared at the ceiling for a moment, then turned to him decidedly. "Definitely egging his door." She nodded.

      "Egging his door, it is." He did a little shimmy, grinning goofily as he placed the eggs in his locker.

      She smiled in anticipation, looking into his locker at all the equipment he was using. With a slight chuckle, she grabbed the stick of carrot in his locker. "Oh, I'm dying to know what this is for."

       Stiles looked at the item in her hand. "Oh, that's for Petunia."


       "Yeah, Coach has a pet bunny in his office." Stiles said passively as if it was common information. Juliette took a moment to process what he just said, but he continued. "What class do you have next?"

      "Geometry test."

      "Hey, if you finish that early, you should pass by my Economics class and see the prank I'm gonna pull on Coach." He said excitedly. "I'll give you a hint, it involves a wrapped box."

      "Don't you pull that prank every year?" She pointed at him with the carrot.

      He plucks the carrot she had been gesticulating with from her hand, setting it back in the locker, a little offended. "No, I incorporate it in different ways. I took out every nail in his office and put it in the box. When he opens the lid, the frames, his desk— it'll all fall to the floor."

      "So that's why you disappeared last night." Juliette nodded.

      "You didn't see the note I left on the board?"

      "As fascinating as your board is," And as jealous I am that I didn't create one first, she thought. "I can't look at that thing without getting a headache."

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