xxiii; blood for blood

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SHERIFF STILINSKI TOOK OUT HIS HANDCUFFS. He started moving closer to Void, who was pretending to be Stiles. Juliette couldn't believe how easily he would pretend to be Stiles, down to his body language and tone of voice. Whereas Stiles speaks in a more high pitched voice, Void spoke in monotone, voice dropping deeply, almost scratchy. "If my son is still here, if there's still a part of him standing here, then he'll put these on willingly and come with me." Sheriff said. "Jules, that goes to you too."

    Juliette felt ashamed the moment she saw Sheriff's look, yet she was unable to let go of the daggers she gripped tightly on each hand. "Because he knows i'm here to protect him from himself and from others." Sheriff continued.

     Before he could put the handcuffs on his son, Juliette tested how far her subconscious self would go to protect him. "It's not Stiles." Juliette blurted out.

     Void tilted his head, a dark glint in his eyes. "Way to spoil the fun, Juliette."

    Derek, Allison and her father stepped into the loft. Immediately, Allison pulled out her taser gun and shot it at Void. With alacrity, Void shifted the electric shocks into his power, volts bolting from between his hands.  Then, Derek shifted into his werewolf form with his glowing blue eyes and claws, attacking Void— which led to Derek being thrown into the wall.

    Finally, Argent took the safety off his gun and pointed it to the Nogitsune.

    Using the dagger the Nogitsune gave to her moments ago, she pointed the tip of the knife to Chris Argent's neck threateningly. "I can't let you do that, Argent." Juliette clenched her jaw.

     She wasn't certain if it was the sire bond that caused her to do this, or if she had done it all on her own in defence of Stiles. "Why not? I've done it before. Werewolves, berserkers. I can easily add a Nogitsune to the list."

     Sheriff Stilinski loaded his gun, aiming it to Argent's head. "I can't let you shoot my son." He said urgently. "Put it down."

    "That's not your son."

     Void, replicating Stiles' tone of speech, turned to the Sheriff. "Dad, he's going to shoot me."

     "Put the gun down, Argent!"

     It quickly turned into a cycle of Argent contemplating shooting the Nogitsune, and the Sheriff shouting again and again for him to put the gone down. Then, Void looked into Argent's eyes and whispered; "Pull the trigger."

     "Put it down!"

     "Shoot me!" The two shouted simultaneously.

      The sun was going down. It clicked in Juliette's head, everything he was planning since the start of the day, maybe even further back. All he needed was protection from the Oni until he can get the last fox tail, and control them himself. Juliette stepped away from Argent, her knife no longer aiming at him. She ran to Allison over the shouting, hoping to get the information she needs. "Listen to me— he wants to control the Oni. That's a part of his plan, you can't let it happen."

     "The Oni?" Allison tried to fathom the information drop. "Juliette, why are you protecting him?"

    That would take time to explain, and they didn't have time— not with the sun almost setting.  "Put the guns down! This is exactly what he wants!"

    "Not exactly." Void cocked his head to the side. "I was kind of hoping Scott would be here. It's good that you all have your guns out, but you're not here to kill me. You're here to protect me."

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