xv; stay with me

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EMILY WAS A SACRIFICE. Juliette couldn't fathom the fact that the months of trauma, denial, and grief due to her sister's death was because of a supernatural druid. Emily, the older sister she has always looked up to, missed so dearly, dead because of a failed sacrificial plan. The worst part was that Juliette knew this all along, but afraid to ask for confirmation, afraid of exactly this; it being real.

When they arrived at the glow in the dark party, Juliette immediately separated herself from Scott and Stiles, proceeding to go to the bar wanting so desperately to drown her thoughts in alcohol. Juliette took off her blue hoodie before she got to the party, leaving it in the safety of Stiles' jeep where she took it earlier. Underneath, she wore a purple sports bra that glowed neon amidst the lights.

If she wasn't so tipsy, she might've been taken aback by the surprised looks on her classmates faces when they caught her in nothing but a neon bra and leggings, jumping up and down to the music with a drink in her hand.

"Juliette?" A voice from behind her yelled over the music. When Juliette looked past her shoulders, still dancing to the music, she faced a surprised Isaac. "I almost didn't recognise you with the.... face paint."

Her face was covered with purple and pink face paint that glowed brightly in the dark, shaped like nothing at all but splashes scattered across her face. Juliette ignored the later comment, and smiled brightly, pulling on Isaac's arm. "Wanna dance?"

"Actually, i'm here with Allison." Isaac had caught the alcohol scent the closer he got to her, and widened his eyes, surprised that she was drunk. "You're drunk."

Juliette giggled. "Only a teeny bit."

Isaac took the drink out of her hands, handing it to passerby, who took it without question. "You never get drunk, you keep saying you hate forgetting things."

"What's that saying? Desperate something calls for desperate something?"

His momentary annoyance shifted into concern. "Why? What happened?"

"Emily was a sacrifice, wasn't she?" Juliette wasn't asking for confirmation. She saw the way Isaac took a step back with a shocked expression on his face, opening his mouth to say something before she cut him off. "You're going to say you're sorry you never told me, right? But I knew, Isaac, I just never asked." Juliette shook her head as if it would shake off the thoughts in her head.

Isaac looked at her with the kindest eyes. "Who told you?"

Juliette's eyes quickly roamed around the room for any sign of Stiles, but found none. "I don't want to talk about this, I'm happy, Isaac! And I don't care that I had to get drunk to feel this good." Her eyes drifted to Allison, who stood sadly by the door, awkwardly waiting for him. "She's waiting for you, you should go."

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